Annam langur

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Annam langur
Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Common monkeys and colobus monkeys (Colobinae)
Sub tribus : Langur (Presbytina)
Genre : Crested langurs ( Trachypithecus )
Type : Annam langur
Scientific name
Trachypithecus margarita
Elliot , 1909

The Annam langur ( Trachypithecus margarita , Syn .: Presbytis margarita ) is a primate from the group of the slender monkeys (Presbytini), which occurs in southeastern Indochina. The distribution area is in the central area of ​​southern Vietnam (north to 14 ° 30 ′ N), in the bordering regions of Laos (north to 16 ° 23 ′ N) and the Cambodian provinces of Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri .


The Annam langur is similar in color and size to the Indochinese langur ( T. germaini ) and is therefore light gray in color with a significantly lighter belly and throat. The face, forearms, hands and feet are blackish. Many individuals have white circles under the eyes. Newborn Annam langurs have orange fur and whitish skin on their faces, hands and feet.

Way of life

The Annam langur inhabits evergreen rainforests, gallery forests and occurs there sympathetically with robed monkeys ( Pygathrix ). Only a few observations are available from mountain regions. Like other crested langurs from the cristatus group, it probably feeds primarily on leaves. Details are not known.


The existence of the Annam langur is endangered. There have been few sightings in Vietnam from the last few decades and in Laos the species is probably the rarest species of monkey. In the Cambodian range, the species is rarely widespread in some regions in others (Mondulkiri Province). The main reasons for the endangerment are the conversion of forests into agriculturally used areas, hunting and catching for the purpose of keeping pets. The Annam langur occurs in the Vietnamese national parks Cát Tiên and Yok Đôn as well as in the Cambodian Phnom Prich wildlife sanctuary .
