Anne Grommerch

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Anne Grommerch (2012)

Anne Grommerch (born Brandenbourger ; born December 11, 1970 in Thionville , Moselle department ; † April 15, 2016 in Esch-sur-Alzette , Luxembourg ) was a French politician ( UMP / Les Républicains ). She was a member of the National Assembly from 2008 to 2016, and Mayor of Thionville from 2014 until her death.

life and career

Grommerch completed a natural science degree in Nancy, which she graduated with the DEUG . She then worked as an assistant to the management in a motor vehicle expert office in Luxembourg. In 2006 she became sales manager at the Luxembourg Coca-Cola subsidiary Soutirages Luxembourgeois .

From 2008 to 2012 Grommerch was a member of the municipal council of Roussy-le-Village (Moselle department) near the French-Luxembourg border. After the death of Jean-Marie Demange, she replaced him in November 2008 as a member of the conservative Union pour un mouvement populaire (UMP) in the French National Assembly . From 2010 to 2015 she was also a member of the Lorraine Regional Council .

In July 2011 she wrote a report on “sustainable families” for her party, in which she portrayed homosexual couples as too unsteady and frivolous to marry and have children. The homosexual association Couleurs Gaies then recognized them as "homophobic members of the legislature". In the parliamentary elections in 2012 she was confirmed as a member of parliament with 53.1 percent of the vote. From 2013, she was General Delegate for the subject of training on the UMP party executive. She belonged within the party of the economically liberal current La Droite sociale of Laurent Wauquiez .

In the local elections in Thionville in 2014, she won by just 77 votes ahead of the socialist incumbent Bertrand Mertz (45.96 to 45.49% in the second ballot). The Conseil d'État canceled this result in April 2015 due to irregularities. When the election was repeated in June 2015, however, Grommerch was confirmed in office with a clear majority (with a low turnout).

Anne Grommerch died of breast cancer at the age of 45 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fabien Carlat: Pourquoi le maire gay de Luxembourg était-il présent à une réunion d'une signataire de l'Entente parlementaire? In: Komitid , June 8, 2012.
  2. ^ Nicolas Bastuck: Anne Grommerch conserve Thionville. In: Le Point , June 22, 2015.