Ano Pala

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Ano Pala is a Papua New Guinean politician .

He represents the constituency of Rigo in the province of Central in the parliament of Papua New Guinea for the National Alliance Party . In May 2010 he became Attorney General and Minister of Justice in the government of Prime Minister Michael Somare . He replaced Allan Marat , who had resigned after criticizing government policies. Pala was Parliamentary State Secretary to the Minister for Land and Regional Planning and Mining, Puka Temu .

In 2009, he publicly endorsed Eastern Highlands Governor Malcolm Smith Kela, who urged the government to “step in to protect our citizens from the Asian businessmen” who he claimed were “selling to the locals” by selling “ harm cheap and counterfeit products ”and force their employees to work too many hours for low wages. Pala added that locals should be supported in starting their own business: There was a “need to enable our education system to teach some of the basics of how to make money, how to run a business, and how to do business in schools Knowledge and knowledge of business life conveyed ”.

On August 8, 2011, Pala became Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration in the government of Peter O'Neill .

Individual evidence

  1. PNG gets new Attorney General and Justice Minister , Radio New Zealand International, May 1, 2010 (accessed August 9, 2011)
  2. ^ Ano Pala replaces Marat as PNG attorney general. ( Memento of February 23, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) In: The National , May 7, 2010 (accessed August 9, 2011)
  3. ^ Papua New Guinea cabinet listing. ( Memento of April 5, 2003 in the Internet Archive ), Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, March 22, 2010 (accessed August 9, 2011)
  4. Some PNG MPs show support for anti-Asian sentiment. ABC Radio Australia, May 20, 2009 (accessed August 9, 2011)