Antanas Kairys

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Antanas Kairys (born January 2, 1934 in Laičiai near Alanta , Rajongemeinde Molėtai ) is a Lithuanian zoo technician and politician.


After graduating from high school in Molėtai , he completed his diploma studies at the Timirjasew Academy in Moscow in 1957 , received his doctorate on protein Thema normavimas mėsinėms kiaulėms in 1963, and in 1987 completed his habilitation on Racionalus proteinų panaudojimas augančių penimų kiaulių racionuose in agricultural science in Russia . From 1988 professor and from 1990 member of the Lietuvos mokslų akademija . From 1963 he was a research associate at the research institute, director from 1984 to 1992, and member of the Seimas from 1992 to 1996 . From 1997 to 2003 he was a member of the Council ofRadviliškis district parish .

He has been a member of the LDDP since 1990 .


  • Kiaulių šėrimas, 1970 m .;
  • Pašarų silosavimas ir konservavimas, su kitais, 1973 m .;
  • Racionai kiaulėms, 1976 m .;
  • Kombinuotųjų pašarų gamyba ūkiuose, su kitais, 1980 m.
