Antiphos (son of Priam)

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Antiphos is a hero of Greek mythology mentioned in Homer's Iliad .

Antiphos was a son of the Trojan king Priam and his wife Hecabe . He fought in the Trojan War with the Greek hero Ajax , missed him with a throw with his lance and instead met a companion of Odysseus named Leukos , who was about to plunder the corpse of a slain Trojan. Thereupon Odysseus rushed to avenge his friend, but this time Antiphos escaped death. Together with his half-brother Isos, who drives the chariot - with whom he had once been captured by Achilles while herding sheep on the Ida Mountains , but was released by his father - Antiphos was killed in the battle of Agamemnon . Then Agamemnon appropriated the armor of the two defeated brothers.



  1. Homer, Iliad 4, 489ff .; Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 12, 5.
  2. Homer, Ilias 11, 101ff .; Hyginus Mythographus , Fabulae 113.