Antoine-François Varner

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Antoine-François Varner (* 1789 in Paris ; † 1854 there ) was a French vaudevillist and librettist .


Not too much is known about the life of Antoine-François Varner. He studied at the Collège Sainte-Barbe in Paris, the oldest college in France , after which he served for some time with the Dragoons . During Napoleon's Russian campaign in 1812, he held the post of commissaire des guerres (member of the army administration).

After the Restoration in 1814, he was released and began writing, mainly with vaudevilles. He wrote partly alone, partly together with others, such as Eugène Scribe , Jean-François Bayard , Mélesville , Jean-Henri Dupin , Félix-Auguste Duvert , Augustin-Théodore de Lauzanne and others.

After 1830 he received a post as office manager of the Hôtel de Ville (Paris City Hall), which he had to vacate during the February Revolution in 1848 .

Works (excerpts)

  • 1817: Le Solliciteur, ou l'Art d'obtenir des places , Comédie vaudeville in one act, with Eugène Scribe a. a., Théâtre des Variétés
  • 1817: Les Comices d'Athènes, ou les Femmes orateurs , Comédie vaudeville in one act, with Eugène Scribe, Théâtre du Vaudeville ; Adaptation of a work by Aristophanes
  • 1824: La Léocadie de Pantin , parody of the Léocadie by Georges Feydeau , Théâtre des Variétés
  • 1827: Une soirée à la mode , Comédie-vaudeville in one act, with Jean-François Bayard, Théâtre de Madame
  • 1827: Les Petits appartements , libretto for the Opéra-comique in one act by Henri François Berton, with Jean-Henri Dupin, Opéra-Comique
  • 1829: Marino Faliero à Paris , Vaudeville in one act, with Jean-François Bayard, Théâtre du Vaudeville
  • 1830: La Convalescente , Comédie-vaudeville in one act, with Mélesville, Théâtre du Vaudeville
  • 1841: Un monstre de femme , Comédie-vaudeville in one act, with Félix-Auguste Duvert and Augustin-Théodore de Lauzanne, Théâtre du Vaudeville
  • 1843: Recette contre l'embonpoint , Singspiel in two acts, Théâtre de la Gaîté
  • 1846: Le Nouveau Juif errant , Comédie-vaudeville with singing in three acts; based on the novel Le juif errant by Eugène Sue
  • 1847: Père et portier , Vaudeville in two acts, with Jean-François Bayard, Théâtre du Palais-Royal
  • 1849: La Conspiration de Mallet, ou Une nuit de l'Empire , historical drama with singing in five acts, with Jean-François Bayard, Théâtre du Vaudeville
  • 1852: Madame Schlick , Comédie-vaudeville in one act, Théâtre du Gymnase Marie Bell

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. This piece was the model for Johann Nestroys Posse Zwey Ewige Juden und None (1846); the assumption that Sue's novel was Nestroy's source has been refuted