Antoine-Gaspard Boucher d'Argis

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Antoine-Gaspard Boucher d'Argis (born April 3, 1708 in Argis , Département Ain , also Paris ; † January 26, 1791 , often incorrectly 1780 , in Paris) was a French lawyer and author of numerous legal articles in the Encyclopédie .

life and work

Boucher was the son of Gaspard Boucher d'Argis, a Lyon- born attorney at the Royal Court of Justice in Paris, the Parlement de Paris . After completing his studies, Boucher was admitted to the bar in 1727 and first went to Lyon. Because of his talent, he was appointed to the conseil souverain of the province of Dombes (in today's Département Ain) in 1753 , and in 1767 as a judge in Paris .

In addition to his professional activity, Boucher wrote a number of legal works. In addition, he was also active as an editor, for example of Barthélemy Joseph Bretonniers (1656–1721) Recueil par ordre alphabétique des principales questions de droit (2nd to 5th reprint 1742–1783). However, he achieved particular fame through his numerous contributions to the Encyclopédie edited by Diderot and d'Alembert . Boucher's work on the lexicon began with the third volume, which was first published in 1753. Measured by the number of articles signed by name in the Encyclopédie , he was one of the top authors; his contributions are marked with "(A)".

His 1750 born in Paris son André-Jean , who also struck a legal career and emerged as the author of several legal writings, was in the throes of 1794 Revolution guillotined .

Articles in the Encyclopédie (selection)

First page of the article Jurisprudence in the Encyclopédie

Independent fonts (selection)

  • Traité des gains nuptiaux et de suvie, qui sont en usage dans les païs de droit écrit, tant du ressort du parlement de Paris, que des autres parlemens: contenant tout ce qui concerne les augmens de dot, agencemens, contre-augmens… Lyon 1738
  • Code rural, ou Maximes et règlements concernant les biens de campagne: Notament les fiefs franc-aleux. Paris 1749
  • Variétés historiques, physiques et littéraires, ou recherches d'un sçavant: contenant plusieurs pièces curieuses & intéressantes. Paris 1752


  • Article “Boucher d'Argis (Antoine Gaspard)”, in: Charles Jules Dufaÿ, Dictionnaire biographique des personnages notables du département de l'Ain. 1882, p. 20
  • Article “Boucher d'Argis (Antoine Gaspard)”, in: Jean Chrétien Ferdinand Hoefer , Nouvelle biographie générale. Volume 6: Bichat - Boulduc, Paris 1855, pp. 17f.

Web links

Wikisource: Antoine-Gaspard Boucher d'Argis  - Sources and full texts (French)

Individual evidence

  1. Frank A. Kafker: Notices sur les auteurs of dix-sept volumes de "discours" de l'Encyclopédie. Research on Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie. 1989, Volume 7, Numéro 7, pp. 131-132