Anton Aloys Timpe

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Anton Aloys Timpe (born March 14, 1882 in Bergedorf ; † September 14, 1959 in Berlin-Lankwitz ) was a German mathematician. His research areas were mathematical physics in application, for example to elasticity theory, then geometry / geodesy and later financial and economic mathematics.

life and work

Timpe studied mathematics and physics at the Universities of Göttingen and Munich. After the state examination in 1904 in Göttingen, he did his doctorate in 1905 under Felix Klein, also in Göttingen ( problems of stress distribution in plane systems, easily solved with the help of Airy's function ) and was his assistant there in 1905/1906. His contribution on elasticity theory in the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences (with Conrad Müller , Orazio Tedone ) comes from this time . In 1906/1907 he was an assistant at the TH Danzig and translated the classic Treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity by AEH Love into German. In 1909 he completed his habilitation at the Technical University of Aachen ( The Torsion of Rotational Bodies ), in 1910 he was retired from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster and received a teaching post from 1911 for geometry / geodesy, from 1916 with the title of professor.

In 1918 Timpe was offered a full professorship for mathematics / geodesy at the Agricultural University in Berlin, which he held from 1919 to 1927. The geodetic institute of the Agricultural University Berlin was taken over by the Technical University (TH) Berlin in 1927, whereby Timpe was offered a professorship for mathematics and business mathematics there and thus mainly focused on finance, business and insurance mathematics. According to the course catalog of the TH, he continued to hold courses for geodesists for the first decade and permanently taught mathematics and mechanics for students of technical chemistry, mining and metallurgy, and in a few years also higher mathematics for students of all faculties.

In the last year of the war, Aloys Timpe as well as Georg Hamel and Werner Schmeidler were the only remaining full professors. When the TH Berlin reopened in April 1946, only Timpe resumed his old work as a full professor (Hamel bombed out and moved, Schmeidler dismissed as a former NSDAP member before reopening). A. Timpe's retirement is listed in the TU bulletin of October 1, 1950, and the change of professor Ernst Mohr 's chair to the chair of mathematics and business mathematics that became vacant through Timpe's retirement is announced in the following sheet . According to E. Knobloch , Timpe was only released from his teaching duties on October 1, 1950, only received the status of a full professor emeritus on March 3, 1955, and up to this time offered courses on business mathematics. Such a subsequent retirement by Timpe cannot be found in the TU's newsletters.

Aloys Timpe and his wife Maria had seven children, three of whom were killed in World War II. Timpe has been a member of the Unitas Association since his student days in Göttingen . His tomb is in the forest cemetery in Berlin-Zehlendorf.

Work in the Berlin Mathematical Society

Aloys Timpe was chairman of the Berlin Mathematical Society (BMG) from 1937 to 1939 . As such, pressure was exerted on him to accelerate the departure of the non-Aryan members, so that in January 1939 he sent out a circular in which he asked the German Jews to notify them. In individual cases he tried to limit the damage. After the war, 13 mathematicians (including Timpe) applied for re-admission to the BMG. The BMG was approved from July 18, 1950, Timpe was one of the founders and participated in the discussion of the articles of association. After the former National Socialist Ludwig Bieberbach was admitted to the BMG, Timpe left the BMG in 1953. In a reply, the then chairman Wolfgang Haack paid tribute to Aloys Timpe as a senior mathematician at the TU .



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ AEH Love : Textbook of elasticity. Authorized German edition with the assistance of the author, obtained from Dr. Aloys Timpe , BG Teubner, Leipzig 1907
  2. Bulletin of the Technical University of Berlin-Charlottenburg , No. 8, October 1, 1950, Communication No. 55
  3. ^ Bulletin of the Technical University of Berlin-Charlottenburg No. 9, January 1, 1951, Announcement No. 67
  4. Eberhard Knobloch: Mathematics at the Technical University ..., p. 38
  5. ^ Hans Müller-Brodmann: AH Professor Dr. Timpe 75 years old , Unitas 97 (1957), pp. 49–50 (PDF file; 9.8 MB)