Anton Bloem

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Anton Joseph Bloem (born November 9, 1814 in Wesel , † February 5, 1884 in Berlin ) was a German lawyer and parliamentarian.


Anton Bloem studied at the Universities of Bonn and Heidelberg law . In 1833 he became a member of the Corps Guestphalia Bonn . In 1842 he was admitted to the bar at the Düsseldorf Regional Court .

Bloem became known as a lawyer through a number of high-profile litigation. In connection with the Düsseldorf uprising of May 9 and 10, 1849, he obtained an acquittal in the proceedings against the journalist Wilhelm Eissenbarth, who was accused of defamation against those charged with maintaining public order. In 1850 he defended Julius Wulff (1822-1904), the co-founder of the Düsseldorf social democratic movement and president of the Düsseldorf People's Club , in proceedings for inciting rebellion . He represented Sophie von Hatzfeldt in her divorce proceedings and was Ferdinand Lassalle's legal advisor for many years . Around 1873 he was - in the meantime attorney-at-law a. D. - Director of the Rheinisch-Westfälische Genossenschaftsbank in Cologne.

Bloem was a member of the Association for Democratic Monarchy . From 1847 to 1848 he was a member of the city council of Düsseldorf for the second class. In March 1848 he took part in the Düsseldorf petition movement. In May 1848 he was elected to the Prussian National Assembly. His deputy was adorned with the signature: “If the armed power were to intervene against us, it would be the same brute force, only from above, and against this I protest just as solemnly as against any brute force that comes from below, session of September 22nd, 1848 , Bloem, Member of Parliament for Düsseldorf ”.

With Lorenz Cantador , Lorenz Clasen , Joseph Euler, Ferdinand Freiligrath , Paul von Hatzfeldt , Sophie von Hatzfeldt, Ferdinand Lassalle, Peter Joseph Neunzig , Carl Quentin , Hugo Wesendonck , Wilhelm Weyers and Julius Wulff, he was one of the main actors of the March Revolution in Düsseldorf.

Bloem later ran three more times in Düsseldorf, but each time unsuccessfully for a member of parliament: in 1862 in the election to the Prussian House of Representatives, in 1867 as a candidate for the national liberal direction in the election to the constituent Reichstag of the North German Confederation, in 1871 as a candidate of the united liberal parties in the Reichstag election . In the years 1861 / 62–1862 / 63 and 1869 / 70–1871 / 72 he was master of the chair of the St. Johannis Masonic Lodge "To the three allies" in Düsseldorf.


  • Horst Heidermann : Anton Bloem (1814-1884). Democrat Lawyer . In: Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch , Volume 76, 2006, pp. 111–149
  • Sebastian Beck: Düsseldorf lawyers, lawyers and notaries in the middle of the 19th century. A contribution to the history of the Düsseldorf bourgeoisie, in: Düsseldorfer Jahrbuch, Volume 88, 2018, pp. 25–75.

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 10 , 156
  2. Peter Schwingen – Leben und werk, footnote 47 on
  3. ^ Wilhelm Greven (ed.): Address book for Cologne, Deutz u. Mülheim am Rhein and the area around Cologne . 19th edition. Cologne 1873, p. 13 (first part) .
  4. ^ Erich Uelsmann: Contributions to the Lower Rhine party history, in particular to the New Aera and the Constitutional Conflict (1858-1863) . In: Annals of the Historical Association for the Lower Rhine . tape 109 , 1926, pp. 93–144, here p. 116 .
  5. ^ Norbert Schloßmacher: Düsseldorf in the Bismarck Empire. Politics and elections. Parties and associations . Düsseldorf 1985, p. 180 .
  6. Düsseldorfer Anzeiger . February 13, 1871.
  7. Johannes Erbach: History of the St. Johannis Freemason Lodge "To the three allies" in the Or. Zu Düsseldorf a. Rhine 1806-1912 . 2nd Edition. Düsseldorf 1912, p. 118, 120 .