Anton Brillowski

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Anton Heinrich Jakob Brillowski (* 1799 in Danzig , West Prussia , † probably 1889 ) was a philologist and high school teacher in Rastenburg in East Prussia .


Anton Brillowski came from a Polish family. He attended the grammar school in Braunsberg and studied in Königsberg with the degree Dr. phil.

In 1825 Brillowski became a teacher at the Catholic grammar school in Konitz . Since he converted to the Protestant Church in 1828, he moved to the grammar school in Rastenburg in 1829 . There he was appointed senior teacher in 1834.

In 1848 Brillowski became lodge master of the Masonic lodge to the three temples in Rastenburg and was instrumental in the construction of a new building. In 1849/50 he possibly became director of the grammar school.

Publications (selection)

Anton Brillowski wrote several writings on philological and other topics

  • History of the city of Conitz in West Prussia , in Preussische Provinzial-Blätter .
  • Old German language samples from the 4th to 14th centuries , Rastenburg 1834
  • History of Pompey the Great , 3 volumes, Rastenburg 1838, 1843, 1850


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