Anton Deimel

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Anton Deimel (born December 5, 1865 in Olpe , † August 7, 1954 in Rome ) was a German ancient orientalist , Jesuit and theologian .


Deimel is considered to be one of the founders of Sumerology , which deals with the language, history, literature, religion and mythology and culture of the Mesopotamian people of Sumerians . He mainly dealt with economic texts from the 3rd millennium BC. Christ.

Anton Deimel had studied with Johann Strassmaier in London and also transferred (all or most of) Strassmeier's notebooks with copies of numerous ancient oriental texts to Rome.

His most important work was the Sumerian Lexicon, begun in 1925.



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gary D. Thompson: Biographies of Modern Historians of Ancient Occidental Astral Sciences ( Memento April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) on Abraham Sachs and Johann Schaumberger