Anton Hruboň

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Anton Hruboň (born October 26, 1989 in Nitra ) is a Slovak historian and professor at the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica .


After graduating from the state grammar school in Ružomberok , he entered the Faculty of Human Sciences (now the Philosophical Faculty) of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica in 2007. He completed the Magistrate's degree in history in 2012 and the Rigorosum in 2015. Since the successful acceptance of his dissertation in August 2015, he completed his doctorate in the department of Slovak history. Since September 2015 he has been working as a specialist assistant at the Chair for European Cultural Studies at the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica.

In his research work, he is primarily concerned with the Slovak history of the 20th century, in particular the socio-political and cultural aspects. In the broader European context, he researches fascist, Nazi and nationalist organizations, the history of ideas, political propaganda and selected questions of the problems of minorities and nationality conflicts from a comparative perspective. He is the author of six monographs (as of 2018) and around 170 studies published in Slovakia and abroad. He edited seven compilations. Since 2009 he has been the publisher and editor-in-chief of the internet magazine Druhá svetová.sk .

Work (selection)


  • Ľudácka čítanka [= The Ludaken Reading Book ]. Premedia Publishing House, 2019.
  • Alexander Mach: Radikál z povolania [= Alexander Mach: Radical by profession]. Premedia Publishing House, 2018.
  • "Za slovenský štát, za Novú Európu!" ​​Hlinkova garda v období nemeckej okupácie [= "For the Slovak state, for the New Europe!" The Hlinka Guard during the time of the German occupation]. Múzeum SNP / AntOn Solutions, 2015.


  • Fašizmus náš slovenský [= Our Slovak fascism]. Premedia, 2020.
  • Slovensko v rokoch neslobody 1938–1989 IV. Slovensko, jeho susedia a Európa [= Slovakia in the years of bondage 1938–1989 IV. Slovakia, its neighbors and Europe]. Filozofická fakulta UMB / AntOn Solutions, 2016. (Ed. With Juraj Jankech, Katarína Ristveyová, Martin Gabčo)
  • Partizáni a Slovensko [= The Partisans and Slovakia]. Publishing house Spolok Slovákov v Poľsku, 2013. (Ed. With Juraj Krištofík)

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