Anton Mitterwurzer (singer)

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Anton Mitterwurzer

Anton M. Mitterwurzer ( April 12, 1818 in Sterzing , Austrian Empire - April 2, 1876 in Döbling , Austria-Hungary ) was an Austrian opera singer ( baritone ) and stage actor .


Mitterwurzer came to Vienna at the age of 6 and was taught music there by his uncle, the composer Johann Gänsbacher , later at the conservatory. After his return home he sang "Kapitän Johann" ("Die Falschmünzer") in Innsbruck on March 13, 1836, prompted by a coincidence, and was determined by the success to become a member of the Innsbruck theater in September become. In 1838 he played lover's roles with a traveling company, made a guest appearance in Hanover at Franz Ignaz von Holbein's instigation in the following year and went from here to Dresden, where he was hired after his appearance as a hunter in the “night camp of Granada”. From May 1, 1839 until his resignation from the stage in 1870, he was a member of the court theater there, which counted him among his most outstanding forces. Mitterwurzer possessed not only an excellent musical disposition and training, which Johann Aloys Miksch had completed in Dresden, but also a great acting talent. The baritone roles in Gluck's, Marschner's and Wagner's operas were among his most excellent achievements; connoisseurs praised his "Wolfram", "Telramund", "Hans Sachs" and Flying Dutchman by name, but also testified to the excellence of his "Don Juan", "Tell" , "Pizarro" ("Fidelio") etc.

The last years of his life he was in an asylum in Vienna. Mitterwurzer is the father of Friedrich Mitterwurzer , who emerged from his marriage to the actress Anna Herold in 1841 . The latter belonged to the Dresden court theater in 1829 and was born in Basel.


Web links

Commons : Anton Mitterwurzer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. The text is essentially that of the ADB article, only a few linguistic adjustments have been made.