Anton Vogt (politician)

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Anton Vogt

Anton Vogt (born August 5, 1891 in Mögglingen , † after 1945) was a German politician ( NSDAP ).

Live and act

After attending elementary school in Mögglingen, Anton Vogt completed a commercial apprenticeship in Schwäbisch Gmünd from 1905 to 1908 . He then worked in various commercial positions as a salesman and accountant until 1912. In 1912 he joined the 4th Company of the Württemberg Landwehr Infantry Regiment No. 124 . From 1914 he took part in the First World War, in which he was wounded on September 10, 1914 near Pretz. In 1915 he came to the deputy directorate of the XIII artillery regiment. In 1916 he was outnumbered in the Warsaw infantry reserve. In 1920 he was dismissed as a field inspector. From then on he earned his living as a businessman in Stuttgart - Obertürkheim .

On July 16, 1925, Vogt joined the NSDAP. On January 1, 1928, he was appointed Gau Treasurer: he initially filled this position on a voluntary basis until February 15, 1931, and then on a full-time basis.

From November 12, 1933 until the end of Nazi rule in spring 1945, Vogt was a member of the National Socialist Reichstag for constituency 31 (Württemberg) . In addition, he sat on the board of the main administrative office in Stuttgart of the professional health insurance fund for clerks.

In the database of the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, Vogt is recorded as "missing" without further details.


Web links

  • Anton Vogt in the database of members of the Reichstag