Antonio Banfi

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Antonio Banfi

Antonio Banfi (born September 30, 1886 in Vimercate , † July 22, 1957 in Milan ) was an Italian philosopher and Marxist . He introduced phenomenology in Italy.

Banfi spent his youth in Vimercate and Mantua, where his father was the rector of the technical institute. From 1904 to 1908 he studied literature at the University of Mantua . A few months after completing his studies, he went to the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin on a scholarship . In 1911 he returned to Italy to start school. In 1922 he published his first work, La filosofia e la vita spirituale ( Philosophy and the Spiritual Life ). In 1926 his main theoretical work followed, I principi di una teoria della ragione ( principles of a theory of reason ). In 1930 there was a meeting with Edmund Husserl in Chiavari . In 1932 he received a chair in the history of philosophy in Milan . In 1942 Banfi came into contact with the KPI , which was banned under Mussolini ; from 1943 to 1945 he was a member of the Italian " Resistenza ".

With the events of World War II, Banfi increasingly turned to Marxism. He saw this as the way of thinking that was able to resolve the conflict “between ideology and philosophy, between practice and theory, between concrete commitment and reason”.

An institute named after him, the Istituto Banfi, was set up in Reggio nell'Emilia , which houses the library and the estate of Banfi and oversees the publication of his posthumous work edition.


  • La filosofia e la vita spirituale (1922)
  • Principi di una teoria della ragione (1926);
  • Nietzsche (1934)
  • La vita dell 'arte (1947)
  • L'uomo copernicano (1950)
  • La ricerca della realia (1959)
  • Saggi sul marxismo (1960)
  • Filosofi contemporanei (1961)
  • Filosofia dell 'arte (1962)
  • Vita di G. Galilei (1962, 2nd edition)


  • Roselina Salemi: Bibliografia banfiana , Pratiche Editrice, Parma 1982
  • Simona Chiodo & Gabriele Scaramuzza (eds.): Ad Antonio Banfi cinquant'anni dopo , Edizioni Unicopli, Milano 2007, ISBN 978-88-400-1200-1

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Saggi sul marxismo , p. 61. Quoted from: Predrag Vranicki : Geschichte des Marxismus , Vol. 2, p. 951
  2. See the website of the " Istitito Banfi "