Workshop of Scandinavian Studies

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The working meeting of the Scandinavian ( 'Study Conference of Scandinavian Studies'), short ATDs (formerly ATDS) is next to the conference of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS), the International Saga Conference and the conference of the American Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies (SASS) one of the largest international conferences in Scandinavian studies . The ATdS 2015 in Cologne had almost 180 participants from 13 European and non-European countries.

History of the ATdS

Since 1974, German-speaking Scandinavian Studies has been meeting regularly for working conferences, mostly in late summer or early autumn. The first approaches to a regular Scandinavian conference had already been made in the 1920s at the suggestion of a "Nordic Academic Working Group" established in 1927, but the second conference of this association of university professors devoted to Nordic studies, which took place in 1929, does not seem to have been for political reasons To have found continuation. It was only in the course of the comprehensive institutionalization of the subject Scandinavian Studies from the 1960s that a regular conference of Scandinavian Studies teachers, researchers and students could be established, which has been taking place every two years since 1975. The first conference in 1974 was called the 'Working Conference of the Scandinavians in the German-speaking Area'; between 1975 and 1989 it was called the 'Working Conference of the Scandinavians in the German-speaking Area (s)'. In 1991 there was another name change to 'Working Conference of German-speaking Scandinavians'; From 1993 to 2007 it operated as the 'Working Conference of German-speaking Scandinavian Studies' and since 2009 as the 'Working Conference of Scandinavian Studies'. This last change of name explicitly marked that the workshop has been an international conference since its inception, the catchment area of ​​which extends far beyond the German-speaking area (including Austria and Switzerland). In the period from 1981 to 2001, every second conference took place in Scandinavia; Another conference in non-German-speaking countries was held in Amsterdam in 2009. In addition to German, the conference languages ​​are English, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.

As a working conference, the ATdS traditionally does not have a common conference topic. The program essentially consists of working groups, plenary lectures, cultural events, discussions on subject and university policy, and meetings of the various status groups (students, mid-level faculty, professors and post-doctoral students). The previously common division of working groups into the four specialist sections of Scandinavian Studies (Medieval Studies, Linguistics, Literary Studies and Cultural Studies (formerly: Regional Studies)) has been largely broken up since 1999. Since the Scandinavian Association was founded at the ATDS 2003 in Basel, the association's general meeting has also taken place every two years as part of the ATdS.

The length of the ATdS was initially 4–5 days, but was shortened to three days at the last ATdS in Cologne in 2015.

Conference organizers and locations

ATDS / ATdS year Conference organizer Meeting place Conference program
1. ATDS 1974
June 13-16, 1974
Free University of Berlin Berlin (West) Protocol
program booklet
2. ATDS 1975
October 1-4, 1975
University of Zurich Zurich, Switzerland) Program booklet
3. ATDS 1977
September 5-9, 1977
University of Vienna Vienna, Austria) Program booklet
October 1-5, 1979
University of Bochum Bochum Program booklet
5. ATDS 1981
August 16-22, 1981
University of Bonn Kungälv (Sweden) Program booklet
6. ATDS 1983
September 26th – October 1st, 1983
University of Bonn Bonn Program booklet
7. ATDS 1985
4.8. – 10.8.1985
University of Cologne Skjeberg (Norway) Program booklet
8. ATDS 1987
9/27 - 10/3/1987
Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg Freiburg Program booklet
August 14-19, 1989
University of Hamburg Svendborg (Denmark) Program booklet
10. ATDS 1991
September 22-27, 1991
Christian Albrechts University in Kiel Weissenhauser Beach Program booklet
11. ATDS
8-14 August 1993
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Sigtuna (Sweden) Program booklet
12. ATDS 1995
September 16-23, 1995
Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald Greifswald Program booklet
13. ATDS 1997
July 29 - August 3, 1997
Georg-August-University Goettingen Lysebu (Norway) Program booklet
14. ATDS 1999
1. – 5.9.1999
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Munich Program booklet
15. ATDS 2001
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen Askov (Denmark) Program booklet
16. ATDS 2003
October 5-9, 2003
University of Basel on the Leuenberg near Basel (Switzerland) Website
program booklet
17. ATDS 2005
September 26th - 30th, 2005
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main Website
program booklet
Scientific Program
18. ATDS 2007
September 18-21, 2007
Humboldt University of Berlin Berlin Website
program booklet
19. ATdS 2009
18. - 21.8.2009
University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands) Program booklet
20. ATdS
27. - 30.9.2011
University of Vienna Vienna, Austria) Program booklet
21. ATdS 2013 Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg Freiburg Website
program booklet
22. ATdS
29.9. - October 1st, 2015
University of Cologne Cologne Website
program booklet
23rd ATdS 2017 Christian Albrechts University in Kiel Kiel Website
program booklet
24th ATdS 2019 Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen gain website

Publications of the conference files

The first three conferences (1974 in Berlin, 1975 in Zurich, 1977 in Vienna) were not documented with a tape. In 1979 and 1981 files from the workshop appeared; Between 1983 and 1999 the lectures and papers were published with one exception under the title "Works on Scandinavian Studies". The volumes in detail:

  • Paul, Fritz (ed.): Files of the fourth working conference of the Scandinavians in the German-speaking area October 1 to 5, 1979 in Bochum. Hattingen: Scandica, 1981 (= scientific series; 2).
  • Uecker, Heiko (ed.): Files from the Fifth Working Conference of Scandinavians in the German-speaking area 16. – 22. August 1981 in Kungälv. St. Augustin: Kretschmer, 1983 (= scientific series; 6).
  • Beck, Heinrich (ed.): Work on Scandinavian Studies. 6th workshop of the Scandinavians in the German-speaking area: September 26th – 1st October 1983 in Bonn. Ffm, Bern u. New York: Peter Lang, 1985 (= texts and studies on German and Scandinavian studies; 11).
  • Groenke, Ulrich (ed.): Work on Scandinavian Studies. 7th workshop of the Scandinavians of the German-speaking area: 4th – 10th August 1985 in Skjeberg / Norway. Ffm u. a .: Peter Lang, 1987 (= texts and studies on German and Scandinavian studies; 18).
  • Werner, Otmar (ed.): Work on Scandinavian Studies. 8th working conference of the Scandinavians of the German-speaking area 27 September – 3. October 1987 in Freiburg i.Br. Ffm u. a .: Peter Lang, 1989 (= texts and studies on German and Scandinavian studies; 22).
  • Braunmüller, Kurt, u. Mogens Brøndsted (ed.): German-Nordic encounters. 9th workshop of the Scandinavians of the German-speaking area in 1989 in Svendborg. Odense: Odense University Press, 1991.
  • Glienke, Bernhard, u. Edith Marold (ed.): Work on Scandinavian Studies. 10th workshop of German-speaking Scandinavian studies 22. – 27. September 1991 at Weissenhauser Strand. Ffm u. a .: Peter Lang, 1993 (= texts and studies on German and Scandinavian studies; 32).
  • Schottmann, Hans (ed.): Work on Scandinavian Studies. 11th workshop of German-speaking Scandinavian studies 8. – 14. August 1993 in Sigtuna. Münster: self-published, 1994.
  • Baumgartner, Walter, u. Hans Fix (ed.): Work on Scandinavian Studies. XII. Workshop of German-speaking Scandinavian Studies 16. – 23. September 1995 in Greifswald. Vienna: Fassbaender, 1996 (= Studia Medievalia Septentrionalia; 2).
  • Paul, Fritz, with the assistance of Joachim Grage a. Wilhelm Heizmann (ed.): Work on Scandinavian Studies. 13th working conference of German-speaking Scandinavian studies, July 29th – 3rd August 1997 in Lysebu (Oslo). Ffm u. a .: Peter Lang, 2000 (= texts and studies on German and Scandinavian studies; 45).
  • Heitmann, Annegret (ed.): Work on Scandinavian Studies. 14th workshop of German-speaking Scandinavian studies, 1. – 5. September 1999 in Munich. Ffm u. a .: Peter Lang, 2001 (= texts and studies on German and Scandinavian studies; 48).

Web links


  1. See Leopold Magon: "The history of the Nordic studies and the foundation of the Nordic Institute. At the same time a contribution to the history of the German-Nordic cultural connections". In: Festschrift for the 500th anniversary of the University of Greifswald October 17, 1956 . Vol. 2. Greifswald 1956, pp. 239-272, here p. 269.