Archip Ivanovich Kuindschi

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Portrait of Archip Kuindschis by Viktor Wasnezow (1869)
The Dnieper in the Morning (1881)

Archip Iwanowitsch Kuindschi ( Russian Архип Иванович Куинджи ; * January 15, July / January 27,  1841 greg. In Mariupol , today Ukraine ; † July 11, July / July 24,  1910 greg. In Saint Petersburg ) was a Russian painter of the Realism . He was best known for his landscape paintings .


He was born in Mariupol in 1841 as the son of a Greek-born cobbler. In his early years he discovered his penchant for painting and experimented with all available materials and drawing bases. His training as a painter and draftsman was initially self-taught; later, however, in 1868, he went to the St. Petersburg Academy of Art to complete his training there.

Before that, however, he still worked as a retoucher in Mariupol , Taganrog , Odessa and Saint Petersburg .

In 1874 he received the bronze medal at an international exhibition in London for his picture "Snow" (Снег). In the same year, his painting " Lake Ladoga " (Ладожское озеро) was exhibited in Saint Petersburg .

In the period from 1875 to 1879 he participated in the Peredwischniki movement . During this time, many of his important landscape paintings were created, such as "Forgotten Village" (Забытая деревня), which he exhibited for the first time in 1875, and "Tschumazki trakt" (Чумацкий тракт), which was presented the following year. Both pictures are now in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow . In the same year, 1876, one of his most famous pictures was created - “The Ukrainian Night” (Украинская ночь), which is also exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery. In 1879 his pictures "North" (Север) and "After the thunderstorm" (После грозы) are exhibited. A year later he made one of his paintings available to the Peredwischniki touring exhibition: the painting “Night on the Dnieper ” (Ночь на Днепре); the exhibition is a success. “Night on the Dnieper” is now in the Russian Museum . Thereafter, Kuindschi did not exhibit any of his pictures until his death.

In the period from 1894 to 1897 he was a professor at the St. Petersburg Academy of Art. However, after supporting student protests in 1897, he was dismissed. Among his students were among others Arkadi Alexandrowitsch Rylow , Nicholas Roerich and Konstantin Fjodorowitsch Bogajewski .

Archip Ivanovich Kuindschi suggested in 1904 the establishment of a "Society of Artists". To this end, he donated 100,000 rubles to the art academy with the stipulation that 24 prizes would be awarded annually.

Web links

Commons : Arkhip Kuindzhi  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files