Ariston Thermo

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Ariston Thermo SpA
legal form Corporation
Seat Fabriano
management Paolo Merloni, Aldo Bisio
Number of employees approx. 6,800
sales approx. 1.3 billion euros
Branch Thermal engineering
Last updated 2012

Ariston Thermo SpA , based in Fabriano ( Province of Ancona ), is an Italian family heating technology company .


Ariston Thermo and the Ariston brand go back to the legacy of Aristide Merloni, who started his own business as a manufacturer of scales in 1930 . Later on, the production of liquefied gas cylinders, gas stoves and hot water boilers began under the Ariston brand. After the founder's death, the company was split up under his sons in 1975: a family branch continued the household appliance business, from 2005 under the name Indesit . The Francesco Merloni branch of the family took over the water heater business. In 2009 the company Merloni Termosanitari (MTS) changed its name to Ariston Thermo . Since 2011, Indesit has not advertised with the traditional Ariston brand.

Company portrait

In addition to the original manufacture of electric hot water devices , Ariston Thermo produces a significant number of burners . The portfolio also includes solar collectors and heat pumps .

The company makes around 90% of its sales outside Italy, mainly in Europe, but also in Latin America and around 20% in Asia. Around a third of the workforce works in Asia, the rest in Europe and around a quarter in Italy. Of the 19 factories worldwide, seven are in Italy, five of which are in the local province of Ancona. In Germany and Switzerland, the group is predominantly represented by the ELCO brand .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d Company Profile 2013 (PDF; 5.92 MB) Ariston Thermo. March 2013. Archived from the original on January 28, 2016. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved March 24, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Ariston, dopo 53 anni addio al marchio . Corriere della Sera . May 21, 2011. Retrieved March 24, 2013.