Arkady Ivanovich Melua

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Arkadi Melua

Arkady Ivanovich Melua ( Russian Аркадий Иванович Мелуа ; born February 7, 1950 in Kasatin ) is a Russian engineer and scientist. He is the general director and editor-in-chief of the Wissenschaftsverlag, which publishes the International Biographical Encyclopedia Humanistica . He is married and has a daughter and two sons.

life and work

Melua was born on February 7, 1950 in Kasatin . Without interrupting his military service, he completed engineering training at the Leningrad Engineering and Construction Institute. Since 1969 he worked as an engineer on projects for the Ministry of Defense. Melua was involved in the construction of a teaching nuclear reactor at one of the military universities and carried out scientific research from 1974.

Melua was a participant in the Soviet long-term lunar base project led by WP Barmin , curator in Leningrad and NA Krylov. He was the science secretary of the "lunar laboratory" in Leningrad and was used to organize work and tests in a number of scientific research institutes in the country. He completed short internships in cartography at the University of Moscow , in cosmic carrier technology at the WIKU and at the chair for aerospace medicine at the WMA in the medical-biological sector. .

Activity in scientific bodies and commissions

During this period he began to deal with the scientific and technical documents of the Alfred Nobels family in connection with the patenting of explosion protection technologies for the planned lunar structures . At the end of the 1970s he gave a lecture on the use of cosmic technology in civil engineering at an international symposium in Novosibirsk . At this time he began working with AL Janschin and WP Kasnatschejew, both members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He worked on the Science Council for the Cosmic Explorations of Siberia and the Far East, the Science Council for Biosphere of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Commission for the Study of Natural Resources of the Earth from the Cosmos and the Commission for the Study of the Scientific Heritage of WI Vernadsky .

Together with KJ Kondratiev, he was one of the organizers of the Science Council for Cosmic Research for Economics at the MKS of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Leningrad. In 1984 he successfully passed the medical exam to prepare for space flights and received his doctorate in technical sciences in 1985 with the subject of automated steering systems for cosmic objects . In 1991 he qualified as a professor with the text Methodology of Biosphere Research .

Teaching and publication activities

Melua has published works in various fields of science and supervised editions by other authors, and has also been a teacher since 1975. He published over 800 papers on the peaceful uses of space travel, on ecology, on the history of science and technology, as well as on special topics in engineering and on aspects of the development of the financial market in Russia in the 1990s. Until 1995 worked as a research assistant, director of the branch of the institute for the history of natural sciences and technology of the RAN. He is the founder and since 1995 general director of the science publishing house of the Encyclopedia Humanistica .

In 1990 he published the first list of words and the program of the biographical encyclopedia: Melua is the author and editor of the first volumes of this series on the Internet. He developed a plan for the creation of a database and the publication of a 100-volume Russian Biographical Encyclopedia (RBE), including the use of the archives of the Russian diaspores in over 120 countries, and implemented this.

Nobel Prize and History of Science

In 1986 Melua founded the International Society for the History of Science, of which he became President. Since 1989 the society has been researching the “Nobel Movement” as a social and scientific-historical phenomenon. Melua was the first in the USSR to sign such declarations in collaboration with the Nobel Foundation, a joint declaration (1990, 1991) and, in 1999, together with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, a document on disseminating information about Nobel Prize winners in Russia. With the support of the Foreign Ministry of the USSR and with the participation of the Russian Ambassador to Sweden , BD Pankin, he conducted negotiations with the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm in September 1989. It was about neutral research into the legacy of the Nobel family in the USSR, as well as illuminating the “progressive ideas” of the Nobel family and the Nobel movement as a whole. He organized two “St. Petersburg Symposia ”by Nobel Prize winners and, in 1991, had a plaque installed for Alfred Nobel , who had lived in Petrogradskaja Naberezhnaya No. 24 in Petersburg. The board was financed with funds from the International Society for the History of Science .

Together with DS Lichatschow and L. Gyllensten, the presidents of the Soviet Fund for Culture and the Nobel Foundation, he initiated a collaboration between the two societies, which in 1991 led to a declaration of collaboration. Melua explores the person of Alfred Nobel from the perspective of a person with humanistic qualities who are a priority for the peaceful progress of modern society. He is the editor of a Russian-language series of monographs on Nobel Prize winners (Nobel reviews ) and a multi-volume edition of documents from the life and work of the Nobel family . It is his concern to propagate Nobel's principles in other countries.


Melua was a member of the supervisory board of Industrie- und Baubank oG (St. Petersburg) from 1994 to 1996 . He is a member of many scientific societies and academies.


  • 1993: Award in the name of academician AP Vinogradov for the monograph Lessons of Ecological Miscalculations (together with academician AL Janschin).
  • several state awards and medals



  • AI Melua: Launch of Space Technology . Nauka , Moscow 1990, ISBN 5-02-005924-2 .
  • AL Yanshin, Melua AI: Lessons of Ecological Miscalculations . Mysl, Moscow 1991, ISBN 5-244-00442-5 .
  • AI Melua: WI Vernadski is a scientist and coordinator of science . Leningrad , Leningrad 1990.
  • AI Melua, GM Grechko, AB Peshkov, NP Selivanov: Earth - our home in the universe . Stroyizdat, 1983.
  • AI Melua, TN Ponomareva: Inventions Means and Methods of Study of State and Environmental Protection . VINITI, Moscow 1991.

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