Armin Rabbit

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Ernst Armin Hase (born April 22, 1873 in Großhermsdorf ; † unknown) was a German homeland poet of the Ore Mountains .


As a pastor's son, he grew up in Auligk with numerous siblings. He attended the St. Thomas School in Leipzig and was a member of the St. Thomas Choir . At the University of Leipzig he studied law from 1894 and was awarded a doctorate in 1899 on the subject of "The statutory prohibition of competition for sales assistants (Sections 60, 61, 70, 72 Paragraph 1 No. 1 of the Commercial Code of 10.V.1897)". jur. PhD . From 1902 he worked as an assessor and district judge in Schneeberg, and in 1911 he moved to Marienberg as a district judge and judge. In 1917 he followed an appointment as a district judge to Leipzig , where he worked until 1920. In 1921 he became director of the local court in Auerbach / Vogtl. , which he directed until the Nazi era.

Due to his military service as a major, he wrote the history of his regiment in 1922, the 17th Royal Saxon Infantry Regiment No. 183. This was followed in the 1930s by the book With Schippe und Schwert published by Gerhard Stalling in Oldenburg. In addition, he published several times on the Ore Mountains and Vogtland , including 1918 Erlebte Gedichte and 1928 Der Fiedeler vom Goldkindstein . He wrote about the importance and tasks of skiing for the German low mountain range, especially the Ore Mountains , in the Glückauf magazine of volume 33 (1913), pp. 2-7.

In addition, he dealt intensively with genealogy and published on the rabbit family tree and u. a. the family tree according to Johannes Beyer , Marienberg 1913.
