Arno Boehler

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Arno Böhler (born September 25, 1963 in Dornbirn , Vorarlberg ) is an Austrian philosopher and university professor. He is a lecturer at the Institute for Philosophy at the University of Vienna. Together with Susanne Valerie Granzer , he founded the research festival Philosophy on Stage , in which philosophy is interpreted as artistic research.


Arno Böhler did his doctorate with Günther Pöltner at the University of Vienna with the dissertation The Memory of the Future. Approaches to a fundamental theology of freedom in Martin Heidegger and Aurobindo Ghose . After research and study stays at Princeton University, New York University, the Theological Faculty of Heidelberg University and Bangalore University, he is currently a lecturer at the Philosophical Institute of the University of Vienna. In 1996, together with the actress Susanne Granzer , he founded the wiener Kulturwerkstätte GRENZ_film (baseCollective) , which resulted in the four-part film series Philosophy in Pictures , the Philosophy and Performance Festival Philosophy on Stage and numerous lecture performances .

Böhler can be attributed to the movement of deconstruction , his main interest is the position of the body in the history of philosophy and the relationship between thinking, materiality and performance . His work is characterized by the double reference to the French-American tradition of post-structuralism on the one hand and Indian philosophy on the other. He sat next to authors such as Jacques Derrida , Gilles Deleuze , Jean-Luc Nancy , Judith Butler and Avital Ronell or their readings of the works of Friedrich Nietzsche , Baruch de Spinoza or Immanuel Kant , mainly with thinkers of the Indian tradition such as Shankara , Patanjali or Aurobindo Ghose apart.

Publications (selection)

  • The memory of the future. Approaches to a fundamental theology of freedom in Martin Heidegger and Aurobindo Ghose . Passagen Verlag, Vienna 1996, ISBN 3-85165-195-2 .
  • On the way to a language of friendship. DISTANCES. Nietzsche - Deleuze - Derrida . Passagen Verlag, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-85165-414-5 . Review in: Nietzsche Studies 33, 2004.
  • Singularities. From the reason of the time to be reached. Prelude to a philosophy of friendship. Passagen Verlag, Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-85165-658-X .
  • with Krassimira Kruschkova (Ed.): This is not a game. Game theories in the context of contemporary art and aesthetics. In: Maske und Kothurn, international contributions to theater, film and media studies. 54 year (2008) issue 4, Böhlau Verlag, Vienna 2008.
  • with Susanne Granzer (Ed.): Thinking event. TheatReality - Performance - Event. Passagen Verlag, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-851-65894-1 .
  • with Alice Pechriggl, Christian Herzog (Ed.): Corporal Performance. To the meaning-generating dimension of the body . Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2013. ISBN 978-3-8376-2477-9 .
  • with Susanne Valerie Granzer, Krassimira Kruschkovo (ed.): Do we know what a body can do? rhizomatic bodies in religion, art, philosophy. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2014. ISBN 978-3-8376-2687-2 .
  • with Susanne Granzer (Ed.): Philosophy on Stage. Philosophy as Artistic Research . Passagen Verlag, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-7092-0300-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence
