Arno Bruchardt

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Arno Friedrich Bruchardt (born April 29, 1883 in Leipzig ; † missing after 1935) was a German typesetter and politician (SPD, USPD).

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After attending primary school in Leipzig, Bruchardt learned the typesetting trade . At the turn of the century he joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). In 1917, during the First World War , Bruchardt joined the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD), a split from the SPD, which was mainly made up of representatives of the left wing of the SPD who rejected the war policy of the SPD leadership. In the USPD Bruchardt became district chairman in the agitation district of Chemnitz.

On May 1, 1919, Bruchardt joined the editorial team of the Chemnitzer Volkszeitung . He became a member of the Weimar National Assembly . In the Reichstag election of June 1920 , he entered the Reichstag as the USPD's proposal for the Reichstag , to which he was a member until the May 1924 election. In 1922, however, he had returned to the SPD , whose parliamentary group he now also joined. In 1924/25 Bruchardt served as party secretary of the SPD in Eisenach . After that he switched to writing political and trade union papers. He also appeared as a party speaker in Dresden.

In early 1934, almost a year after the National Socialists came to power , Bruchardt was arrested and imprisoned in the Sachsenburg concentration camp . He was later transferred to the Frankenhausen District Court for judgment. According to research by Wilhelm Heinz Schröder , he was again held in the Sachsenburg concentration camp between October 1935 and 1937. After that his track is lost.

Today the Arno-Bruchardt-Straße in Leipzig is a reminder of Bruchardt's life and political activities.


  • The Chemnitz bloodbath on the 7th and 7th August 8, 1919. Leipzig 1919.


  • Social Democratic Party of Germany (ed.): Committed to freedom. Memorial book of the German social democracy in the 20th century. Marburg 2000, p. 59

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