Arnold Burenius

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Arnold Burenius , also: Arnold Wormach , Arnold Warwick (* around February 1, 1485 in Emsbüren ; † August 16, 1566 in Rostock ) was a German humanist and professor of philosophy at the University of Rostock .


Arnold Burenius studied at the University of Wittenberg from 1508 and became a friend of Philipp Melanchthon and Martin Luther . On the recommendation of Melanchthon, he came to the court of the Schwerin Duke Heinrich V and was there from 1524 teacher of Magnus III. of Mecklenburg , later the bishop of Schwerin.

In 1532 Heinrich V appointed him professor of rhetoric in Rostock. He became the reformer of the Rostock artist faculty . It was to him that the university owed a new disciplinary system, the introduction of propaedeutic academic teaching and the placement of students in colleges .


in order of appearance

  • Hans Henrich Klüver: Description of the duchy of Mecklenburg and associated countries and places. (Cap. XXI. The University of Rostock), first part, Wierings Erben, Hamburg 1737, p. 221. ( digitized version )
  • Josef Bernhard NordhoffBurenius, Arnold . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 3, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1876, pp. 586-588.
  • Heinrich Detmer: The plan of Arnoldus Burenius for the establishment of a higher educational institution in Westphalia from the year 1544. In: Journal for patriotic history and antiquity . Vol. 60, Abt. 1, 1902, pp. 157-181 .
  • Johannes Grave: The humanist Arnold Burenius. An Emsländer makes a scholarly career . In: Osnabrücker Mitteilungen. Communications from the Association for History and Regional Studies of Osnabrück (Historical Association) , ISSN  0474-8158 , Vol. 104 (1999), pp. 91-106.
  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 1632 .

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