Arnold Fricke

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Arnold August Friedrich Fricke (born September 7, 1913 in Lehe ; † November 8, 1986 in Braunschweig ) was a German mathematician, professor of mathematics and its didactics and an authoritative textbook author .


After graduating from high school in 1932, Fricke studied mathematics and physics: from 1932 to 1933 at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and from 1933 to 1937 at the Technical University of Berlin , where he graduated with honors as a mathematician. During his later activity from 1939 to 1945 at the Aviation Research Institute in Braunschweig, he received his doctorate in 1942 at the Technical University of Berlin . After the end of the war he was initially employed at the Kant University of Braunschweig and from 1953 lecturer for "Didactics of arithmetic and spatial theory". In 1960 he was offered a full professorship for mathematics and its didactics at the Technical University of Braunschweig . In 1979 he retired .

With his textbooks and specialist publications, Fricke had a lasting influence on the reform of mathematics teaching at primary and secondary schools. The textbook "Mathematics in Primary School" (short: "Fricke-Besuden"), which he wrote together with his Oldenburg colleague Heinrich Besuden , became internationally known .

Publications (selection)

Fricke has produced around 80 publications.

  • With Heinrich Besuden : Mathematics in elementary school . Stuttgart: Klett , 1967 to 1986. Additionally adaptations for other countries (eg French, Spanish, Dutch), a total of 70 titles.
  • Didactics of content theory . Stuttgart: Klett, 1983. ISBN 9783129257111 .
  • Factual arithmetic. Solving applied problems. With an afterword by Prof. Heinrich Besuden . Stuttgart: Klett, 1987. ISBN 9783129257128

Individual evidence

  1. a b Entry in the German National Library
  2. Besuden in the afterword in "Sachrechnung" (Ernst Klett Verlag, 1987) on p. 350: "Arnold Fricke sent the final version of the manuscript on" Sachrechnung "to the post on the morning of November 8, 1986 ... At noon on the same day the 74-year-old death from heart failure. "
  3. a b Erich Wittmann : Relationships between operational “programs” in mathematics, psychology and mathematics didactics. Article in: Journal für Mathematikdidaktik , 2 (1981) 1, pp. 83-95. Footnote: “Elaboration of a lecture on the occasion of the solemn retirement of Professor Dr. Arnold Fricke on June 15, 1979 in Braunschweig ”.
  4. a b Entry in the German National Library
  5. Personal entry in Madipedia (database of the Society for Didactics of Mathematics )
  6. ^ Central directory of antiquarian books