Arnold Schaufelberger

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Arnold Sergius Karl Leonardowitsch Schaufelberger ( Russian Арнольд Леонардович Шауфельбергер ., Scientific transliteration Arnold Leonardovič Šaufel'berger * 17th October 1874 in Saint Petersburg ; † 21st April 1938 in Zurich ) was Russia Swiss in the third generation, wholesale merchant, stockbroker .


Son of Hofrat Leonhard L. Schaufelberger , godparents were Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrowitsch Romanow and Mathilde Smith. His marriage to the pianist Irma Mundigo resulted in 2 sons: Eduard A. (1900–1954) and Arnold Alka (1901–1982). From his second marriage in 1904 to Alice Antoinette Pauline Rossé, the daughters Alice Marie (1906-2004) and Maria Elisabeth (1911-2001) emerged. Schaufelberger is entered in the directory of the Russian business elite from 1914 with the following professional title: Merchant of the 2nd guild , broker of the Petersburg fund exchange, chairman of the board of the English " The Vagransky Gold Mining Company Limited ", board member of the mining industry company " Mediator " and Petersburg broker for the purchase of mineral deposits .

Arnold & Alice around 1904.

He benefited from the construction of the North Donetsk Bahn, funds transferred to the Nobel family from the oil industry in Baku , had himself a good in the Urals gold mines and gold panning . Dispossessed during the revolutionary years and in exile in the Caucasus ( Kislowodsk 1917 and Ekatarinodar 1918–1921). After the end of war communism in 1921, Lenin found that building socialism without capital in post-feudal Russia would not work. Lenin developed the New Economic Policy (NEP period) in order to get access to foreign capital. At Lenin's behest, Schaufelberger re-established the currency exchange and his friend Kvatinikov re-established the stock exchange in the Reichsbank. In 1924 Schaufelberger was arrested as a counterrevolutionary and spent three and a half months in Petrograd prison, then he was deported to the gulag on the Solovetsky Islands , the Solovetsk Camp for Special Purposes (SLON), in the White Sea and released to Novgorod in early autumn 1927 . Under pressure from the German embassy in Moscow , Schaufelberger left for Berlin in 1928 . From there he got to Zurich via Paris . In 1929 he wrote a report on the Solovec Camp for Special Purpose (SLON) and reported his losses to the Association des Intérêts Suisses en Russie . Member of the association "Die Meise". He died on April 21, 1938 in Zurich, his older brother (accountant LL Schaufelberger 1873–1938) followed him a day later.


  • Боханов А.Н. Деловая элита России 1914 г. Moscow, Academy of Sciences, 1994, p. 252, ISBN 5-201-00593-4
  • Соловки - Воспоминания Арнольда Шауфельбергера. In: Леонард Шауфельбергер (10.1.1839 - 19.2.1894). Из досье Международных научно-практических конференций «Виноградовские чтения - 2008 - 2009 в Петербурге». Раздел: "Уникальные материалы европейских семейных архивов ведущих мастеров Императорского фарфорового завода в Петербурге , представленные их потомками» / Составители: Е.М. Тарханова (С. Петербург), M. Шютц (Германия). СПб., 2009, ISBN 978-5-7422-2404-4 , p. 96.

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Individual evidence

  1. Marcus Schütz: The Son of the General Master of the IPM sent to Solovki prison camp. In: EM Tarkhanova, M. Schütz (ed.). Leonhard Schaufelberger (1839-1894). St. Petersburg Publishing House of the Polytechnical University, 2009. (To the 265th anniversary of the creation of Imperial Porcelain Manufactory in St. Petersburg. Leading Porcelain Masters of the Romanov's House in Materials from their Family Archives.) [Ru./eng. ] ISBN 978-5-7422-2404-4
  2. ^ Arnold Schaufelberger (1929): Solovki. In: EM Tarkhanova, M. Schütz (ed.). Leonhard Schaufelberger (1839-1894). St. Petersburg Publishing House of the Polytechnical University, 2009. (To the 265th anniversary of the creation of Imperial Porcelain Manufactory in St. Petersburg. Leading Porcelain Masters of the Romanov's House in Materials from their Family Archives.) [Ru./eng. ] ISBN 978-5-7422-2404-4