Arnold von Büren

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Arnold von Büren (* July 25, 1536 ; † December 20, 1614 ) was cathedral dean and canon in Münster .


Origin and family

Arnold von Büren came from the Westphalian noble family Büren , which was at times one of the most powerful in the Diocese of Paderborn and whose members mostly professed Calvinism during the Reformation . Except for the Paderborn canon Bernhard von Büren († 1580), who was Protestant , the dignities from the house of Büren belonged to the Catholic faith . Arnold was the son of Wilhelm von Büren zu Huckarde and his wife Berta von Raesfeld zu Hamern. His uncle Melchior von Büren was cathedral cantor from 1503 to 1543 and canon in Münster until 1546.

Career and work

Arnold had studied at the universities in Padua and Bologna and on August 20, 1552 came into the possession of a cathedral preacher from Münster . In October 1568 he took over the cathedral choir and the related archdeaconate Albersloh . After resigning from both offices in February 1574, he became archdeacon in Billerbeck . He served as an assessor in the cathedral winery and in 1577 became the owner of the Helle cathedral prophet . On October 5, 1585, he was named Domsenior. The election as cathedral dean fell on November 14, 1586. He was the successor of Gottfried von Raesfeld , whose relative and supporter he was. At first he continued his course, then came into conflict with the cathedral chapter because of the action against the Anabaptists , but above all because of his refusal to take general action against the cohabitation of the canons. He shied away from arguments with the noble relatives, but also felt himself affected. In the following years he handed over again resignations and wanted to resign . The cathedral chapter succeeded in persuading him to continue to hold office and later urged him to take vigorous action against the concubinarians. He reluctantly gave in on November 13, 1613. Provost, cathedral choirmaster and cathedral sexton were placed at his side. Ultimately, he was largely spared carrying out this unpleasant task, because he died on December 20, 1614 and was buried in the south aisle of the cathedral in Münster .

Arnold was - and this is unusual for a cathedral dean - not a priest. With a special permit from the cathedral chapter, he was allowed to take over the office. He left no will.

His maid Gret tor Stege, with whom he lived in a concubinage , gave birth to four daughters. The sons Bernhard and Wilhelm, both cathedral vicars in Münster, and the daughter Sybilla came from another concubine relationship.


  • The diocese of Münster 4.2. ( Germania Sacra NF 17.2) The Cathedral Monastery of St. Paulus in Münster , edited by Wilhelm Kohl, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen, Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978- 3-11-008508-2 , Germania Sacra NF 17.2 Biographies of the Canons, page 19ff. Digitized.

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