Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino
The Portuguese Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino ( AHU ; Historical Overseas Archive ) was founded in 1931 by decree ( Decree No. 19868 of June 9, 1931 ) of the Ministério das Colónias (Ministry of Colonial Affairs ). It keeps archives that have to do with the Portuguese colonial empire , it is the archive of the former colonial ministry. It is located in the Palácio da Ega on Calçada da Boa-Hora in the Portuguese capital city of Lisbon , near Rua da Junqueira in the Alcântara municipality . The Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical des Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior ( Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education ) manages the archives. Before 1973 it was overseen by the Ministério do Ultramar (Overseas Ministry).

Its holdings include records from the 15th to 20th centuries relating to Angola , Brazil , Cape Verde , Guinea , India , Macau , Mozambique , São Tomé and Príncipe , Timor , Uruguay and other areas. From 1970, the materials were grouped after before 1833 (mostly from the Arquivo do Conselho Ultramarino) and after 1833 (from the Arquivo do Ministerio das Colonias).
The archive consists to a large extent of archives of the Conselho Ultramarino (Überseerat; approx. 1642–1833) and the Secretaria de Estado da Marinha e Domínios Ultramarinos (State Secretariat for the Navy and Overseas Territories; 1736–1833), as well as of documents, in particular from Conselho da Fazenda (Councilor of the Treasury).
The Portuguese historian Alberto Iria (1909–1992) was the director of the archive for many years .
See also
- Archivo General de Indias
- Palácio da Ega / Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical / Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
- List of archives in Portugal / Lista de ministros das Colónias e do Ultramar de Portugal
References and footnotes
- ↑ Decreto n.º 19: 868 of June 9, 1931
- ↑ AHU: Conselho Ultramarino - accessed on November 11, 2019
- ↑ Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino: Conselho Ultramarino - accessed on November 11, 2019
- Ann Pescatello (1970). "Relatorio from Portugal: The Archives and Libraries of Portugal and Their Significance for the Study of Brazilian History". Latin American Research Review. 5, No. 2 ( partial online view )
- Joaquim Magalhães de Castro: “ Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino ” in O Clarim , June 16, 2017
- Adriana Romeiro: " O universo do Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino " in História Social (Campinas - São Paulo), n.º 3, 1996, pp. 231-235.
- Dauril Alden: The Making of an Enterprise: Society of Jesus in Portugal, Its Empire and Beyond, 1540-1750. 1996 ( partial online view )
Web links
- Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino -
- Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino: Conselho Ultramarino
- Carta aberta: o Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, a democracia eo conhecimento
- Inventário dos Arquivos do Ministério do Ultramar
Coordinates: 38 ° 41'59.9 " N , 9 ° 11'22.8" W.