Arthur Donald Walsh

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Arthur Donald Walsh (born August 8, 1916 in Loughborough , † April 23, 1977 ) was a British chemist and long-time professor at the University of Dundee .


He was born the son of the draftsman and active Baptist Arthur Thomas Walsh and his wife Amy Florence Walsh, a teacher. In Loughborough he attended grammar school . He graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1941 with a Ph. D. He taught at the University of Leeds for six years . In 1955 he became professor of chemistry at the University of Dundee . There he became dean in 1967. In this role, he made a significant contribution to establishing a department for biochemistry . In 1976, he was urged to resign because of his Parkinson's disease . He developed the Walsh model named after him .


He did research mainly on questions of spectroscopy and wrote numerous publications. His name is now associated with diagrams that show a connection between the number of valence electrons and the geometry of a molecule and thus supplement knowledge of the theory of molecular orbital .

In 1959 he was elected a member ( Fellow ) of the Royal Society of Edinburgh . In 1964 he was accepted into the Royal Society .

Web links


  • WC Price: Arthur Donald Walsh. August 8, 1916 - April 23, 1977 . In: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . tape November 24 , 1978, p. 569-582 , JSTOR : 769772 .
  • Royal Society of Edinburgh: Year Book of the Royal Society of Edinburgh . Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh 1978, OCLC 637930579 , p. 57 ( limited preview in Google Book search).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fellows Directory. Biographical Index: Former RSE Fellows 1783–2002. (PDF file) Royal Society of Edinburgh, accessed April 20, 2020 .