Arthur Günther

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Arthur Günther (born December 1, 1885 in Schneeberg ; † March 8, 1974 ibid) was a German homeland researcher, writer and local politician.


Arthur Günther was the son of a master carpenter. After attending the community school in the mountain town of Schneeberg in the Saxon Ore Mountains , where Bruno Dost was his music teacher, he took up a commercial apprenticeship at the commercial school in Zwickau in 1900 . While visiting the local theater, he got ideas for his own amateur plays, which he later wrote.

In 1904 Günther returned to Schneeberg. The following year he did his military service in the Saxon state capital Dresden, from which he was released in 1907.

In 1913 he took over the grocery store on the market square in Schneeberg, which his mother had run until then. But in the following year he was drafted into military service after the outbreak of the First World War. In Serbia he was taken prisoner of war, from which he returned weakened at the end of the war.

Because of his great love of his homeland, he organized so-called Glückauf evenings in Schneeberg in the 1920s, wrote countless articles on local history and amateur plays that were performed in Schneeberg. He also became known as a presenter of radio programs about Schneeberg. He also worked as a Protestant church mayor, city councilor, jury member and managing director of the first municipal transport office in Schneeberg. As such, he became managing director of the “Schneeberger Christmas Show” in 1938, which counted over 70,000 visitors.

In the meantime, his business went bankrupt in 1931. After working as a sales representative for some time, he opened a new handicraft shop on the market in Schneeberg in 1934.

Works (selection)

  • As a prisoner of war in Serbia , Schneeberg / Erzgeb., 1919.


  • 1965: Honorary citizen of Schneeberg, today the Hutznstube there bears his name
  • 1965: Badge of Honor for excellent local history achievements in gold

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Distinguished award . In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge 11, 1966, No. 1, p. 20.