Arthur Jochem

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Arthur Jochem (born December 13, 1874 in Elbing , † April 8, 1960 in West Berlin ) was a German politician ( DDP , German State Party, LDP , FDP ).

From 1909 Jochem worked for the municipal administration of Steglitz near Berlin , and later for the main tax administration of the city of Berlin. During the Weimar Republic he was a member of the Berlin city council and an unpaid city councilor for the Steglitz district . When the National Socialists " seized power " in 1933, he was dismissed as a city councilor, but was able to continue to work as a senior magistrate.

After the Second World War , Jochem was first appointed district councilor for nutrition in the Steglitz district and was appointed district mayor of Steglitz by the US military government in July 1945 , although he was already 71 years old at the time. In the first election in Berlin in 1946 , he was - now a member of the LDP - in the Borough Assembly elected by Steglitz. The first elected district mayor was Helmut Mattis (SPD) in December 1946 . Jochem was then elected to the district councilor. In the next election in 1948 he was re-elected to the district council.


On December 1, 1962, Jochemplatz in Berlin-Steglitz was renamed in his honor.
