Arthur Morin

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Arthur Jules Morin

Arthur Jules Morin (born October 19, 1795 in Paris , † February 7, 1880 in Paris) was a French physicist. Morin conducted experiments in mechanics and invented the Morin dynamometer .

Morin studied at the École polytechnique in Paris, interrupted by his participation in the defense of Paris in 1814. After Napoleon's defeat, he continued his studies as an engineer at the École d'Application de Metz. He then became a military engineer with the pioneers who built pontoon bridges. In 1852 he became Brigade General and in 1855 Division General of the Artillery. In addition, he taught mechanics in Metz in the 1830s and from 1839 at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, where he became director in 1849, which he remained almost until his death. In 1852 he opened a laboratory there teaching engineers.

In Metz and Paris he worked closely with his friend Jean-Victor Poncelet . With him he carried out experiments on friction from the 1830s onwards, which confirmed Coulomb's laws of friction. Morin also checked, for example, the classic trap experiments according to Galileo Galilei . In 1849 he invented a torque measuring device with Poncelet. Further experimental studies in the 1850s and 1860s concerned the strength properties of building materials, which was of fundamental importance in architecture and civil engineering and about which a book by him appeared in 1863. He also carried out studies on building ventilation, for example on the concentration of carbon monoxide due to coal stoves in houses, a common cause of accidents at the time. He invented anemometers which, for example, measured the ventilation in the chimneys in the Paris Palace of Justice.

In 1855 he was President of the Commission for the World Exhibition in Paris. In 1863 he succeeded Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis in the Académie des Sciences (Mechanics section). In 1858 he became a Knight of the Legion of Honor and in 1862 he became a member of the French Civil Engineering Society, of which he was President in 1863.


  • Experiences sur les roues hydrauliques à aubes planes et sur les roues hydrauliques à augets (1836)
  • Aide-mémoire de mécanique pratique à l'usage des officiers d'artillerie et des ingénieurs civils et militaires (1838)
  • Description des appareils chronométriques à style, propres à la représentation graphique et à la détermination des lois du mouvement, et des appareils dynamométriques, propres à mesurer l'effort ou le travail développé par les moteurs animés ou inanimés et par les organes de transmission du mouvement dans les machines (1838)
  • Leçons de mécanique pratique à l'usage des auditeurs des cours du Conservatoire des arts et métiers (5 volumes, 1846–1853, English translation 1860)
  • Conservatoire des arts et métiers. Catalog des collections, publié par ordre de M. le ministre de l'Agriculture et du commerce (1851)
  • Résistance des matériaux (2 volumes, 1863)
  • Des machines et appareils destinés à l'élévation des eaux (1863)
  • Salubrité des habitations. Manuel pratique du chauffage et de la ventilation (1868)

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