Arthur Schreiber (politician)

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Arthur Schreiber (born January 20, 1893 in Niederwürschnitz ; † October 10, 1960 ) was a German politician ( KPD / KPO / SED ), trade unionist and resistance fighter against the Nazi regime .


Schreiber came from a poor family in the Ore Mountains . He learned the trade of miner . In 1909 he joined the working class youth, in 1913 he joined the SPD .

In 1914 he was called up as a soldier for military service. He was wounded in 1915 and sent back to the front in 1917. Schreiber deserted in the summer of 1918. He was then active in the USPD and the Spartakusbund and was involved in the Chemnitz Workers 'and Soldiers' Council during the November Revolution .

From January 1919, Schreiber was again employed in mining. In the following years he was instrumental in organizing the struggles and strikes of the miners. He was arrested several times for this and sentenced to prison terms. Schreiber was a member of the Stollberg district committee and in 1923 became head of the KPD sub-district Oelsnitz / Erzgeb. He was a delegate at the 10th party congress in Berlin (July 12-17, 1925). In October 1926, Schreiber was elected as a member of the Saxon state parliament. He retained his mandate even after he was expelled from the party. Schreiber was initially a follower of the left party leadership, but represented in the disputes after the VI. World Congress of the Comintern 1928 the views of the inner-party opposition. In January 1929, Schreiber was expelled from the KPD "because of deviations from the law". He then joined the KPO and was active in the Chemnitz KPO district management. In the Saxon state parliament he formed on January 15, 1929 together with four other members ( Paul Böttcher , Arthur Lieberasch , Otto Rötzscher and Robert Siewert ) their own KPO faction.

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , Schreiber was active in the resistance. After a long period of unemployment, he found a job in the Chemnitz machine factory "Germania" in September 1938 and also did illegal work there. She was arrested in August 1944 and was imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp until liberation .

Schreiber returned to his homeland on May 24, 1945. In the Ore Mountains “no man's land”, which had not been occupied by either American or Soviet troops, he participated in the development of the Stollberg “emergency community” and the mining industry union . He became head of the emergency community of the Stollberg district, later he headed the office that prepared the union of the KPD and SPD to form the SED for the Stollberg district . In June 1946, he was elected Vice Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Mining Industrial Union. Schreiber was committed to the interests of the Saxon miners and also appeared self-confidently to the Soviet occupation forces. The federal chairman of the FDGB , Hans Jendretzky , accused writers of the "anti-Soviet conspiracy" with Albert Schmidt , the country manager of the industrial union for food, beverages and catering for Thuringia. Jendretzky finally got Schreiber's recall in October 1947.

This recall, however, did not damage Schreiber's reputation in the home district. During the party review of 1951, the SED local group described him as an “extraordinarily good party comrade”, who understood it particularly well to “work on the masses”. However, his health is "very bad". Schreiber had already retired early in 1950.


  • Hermann Weber : The change in German communism. The Stalinization of the KPD in the Weimar Republic . Volume 2. Frankfurt am Main 1969, p. 288.
  • Author collective, Ernst Barth (arr.): Karl-Marx-Stadt. Results of the local history inventory in the area of ​​Karl-Marx-Stadt ( values ​​of our homeland , volume 33). Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1979, p. 222.
  • Andreas Herbst : Schreiber, Arthur. In: Dieter Dowe , Karlheinz Kuba, Manfred Wilke (Hrsg.): FDGB-Lexikon. Function, structure, cadre and development of a mass organization of the SED (1945–1990). Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-86872-240-6 .
  • Scribe, Arthur . In: Hermann Weber, Andreas Herbst (ed.): German communists. Biographical Handbook 1918 to 1945 . 2nd revised and greatly expanded edition. Karl Dietz Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-320-02130-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jeanette Michelmann: The activists of the first hour. The Antifa 1945 in the Soviet zone of occupation between the occupying power and the exiled KPD. Dissertation, Philosophical Faculty of the University of Jena 2001, Section 4.1.1 (as a PDF file here ; PDF; 1.2 MB).
  2. Jochen Cerný: "Enemy elements". Former KPD (O) members in KPD and SED . In: IWK , Heft 2 (2002), pp. 182-213.
  3. Martin Broszat et al. (Ed.): SBZ manual: State administrations, parties, social organizations and their executives in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany 1945–1949 . Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 1990, p. 633 and 1022.