Arthur Stockdale Cope

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Arthur Stockdale Cope about 1910

Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope RA (born  November 2, 1857 - †  July 5, 1940 in London ) was an English portrait painter .

life and work

Arthur Stockdale Cope was the son of the history and genre painter Charles West Cope (1811-1890). Cope studied art at the Francis Stephen Cary Art School . He later moved to the Royal Academy Schools and became a sought-after portraitist. Between 1876 and 1935 he exhibited a total of 288 works at the Royal Academy of Arts and the Royal Society of Portrait Painters . Well-known personalities were his models, including the British kings Edward VII and George V. The German Kaiser Wilhelm II also had Cope portray himself twice. The painting from 1895 was bequeathed as a gift to Queen Victoria , Wilhelm's grandmother. The second portrait from 1905 went to Edward VII and was exhibited in the Central Room of Buckingham Palace from 1909 to 1911 . Cope also painted the future King Edward VIII in 1912 before his accession to the throne as Prince of Wales .

Shortly after the end of the First World War , the South African financier Abraham Bailey (1864–1940) commissioned three group portraits, which were intended to recognize the great importance of British politicians, the army and the navy for victory in the world war. James Guthrie (1859-1930) portrayed the politicians Statesmen of World War I and John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) painted the leaders of the army in General Officers of World War I . Arthur Stockdale Cope portrayed the key naval officers in Naval Officers of World War I. The three paintings are now part of the collection of the National Portrait Gallery of London.

Naval Officers of World War I (1921)

His outstanding work and his special painting style brought him several awards: in 1900 he became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, in 1910 he was elected a member of the Royal Academy. In 1917 he was knighted as a Knight Bachelor and was allowed to prefix his name with a Sir . In addition, Cope also ran an art school in South Kensington . The painter and interior designer Vanessa Bell (1879–1961) was one of his students. In 1927 he was accepted as a Knight Commander in the Royal Victorian Order (KCVO).

Web links

Commons : Arthur Stockdale Cope  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files