Artyom Vessyoly

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Artyom Vessyoly

Artyom Wessjoly , also written Artyom Wesjoly or Artëm VESELYJ ( Russian Артём Весёлый ; actually Nikolai Ivanovich Kotschkurow , Николай Иванович Кочкуров ; born September 17 . Jul / 29. September  1899 greg. In Samara , †  8. April 1938 ), was a Soviet Writer and poet.


Wessyoly joined the Bolsheviks in March 1917 and fought in the Russian Civil War . He became a member of the literary group Perewal , later the RAPP . In 1924 he wrote the novel Russia Washed in Blood (Россия, кровью умытая), which was first published in 1932 as a fragment. In the course of the so-called Stalin Purges , Vessyoly was arrested by the NKVD secret police in 1937 , severely tortured and shot in 1938.

Works (selection)

  • Artyom Wesyoly: Blood and Fire. Novel. Translated from the Russian by Thomas Reschke . Structure, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-351-03674-4 (expanded and revised edition of Russia washed in blood, Kiepenheuer, Weimar / Leipzig 1987, ISBN 3-378-00125-9 ; limited preview in the Google book search) .
  • Реки огненные (Rivers of Fire). Novel. 1924.
  • Страна родная (homeland). Novel. 1926.
  • The ancient song. In: Fritz Mierau : Early Soviet Prose 1918–1941. Construction Publishing House, Berlin / Weimar 1978.
  • A wild heart. Narrative.


  • Jekatherina Lebedewa: Artyom Wesjoly - Revolution and poetry. In: Artjom Wesjoly: Blood and Fire. Novel. Translated from the Russian by Thomas Reschke. Structure, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-351-03674-4 , pp. 623–635 ( limited preview in Google book search).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Alexander K. Voronsky: The art of seeing the world. Selected writings 1911-1936. Mehring, Essen 2003, ISBN 3-88634-077-5 , pp. 21, 161, 528 ( limited preview in the Google book search).