Artur Prince

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Artur Fürst (born February 23, 1880 in Rosenberg , West Prussia , † May 13, 1926 in Berlin ) was a German engineer and writer .


Artur Fürst came from Rosenberg in West Prussia and moved to Berlin around 1900 to study electrical engineering and electrical engineering at the Technical University (Berlin-) Charlottenburg . He mainly dealt with popular technical topics of his time, in particular telecommunications , railways and electricity in their diverse applications.

Fürst's books were extremely popular in the 1910s and 1920s . Among other things, he became famous for the book of 1000 wonders , which he wrote together with Alexander Moszkowski and in which Albert Einstein was honored as the “Galileo of the 20th century”. In addition, Fürst wrote biographies about the AEG founder Emil Rathenau and Werner von Siemens .

His most extensive and best-known work is Das Weltreich der Technik in four volumes. The first volume, Telegraphie und Telephonie , was published by Ullstein-Verlag in 1923 . In 1924 traffic on the land followed , in 1925 traffic on the water and in the air and in 1927, posthumously , power machines and electrical power . Fürst died in 1926 at the age of only 47 and could therefore no longer complete the fourth volume himself. His friend Hans Dominik added the missing chapter.

From 1933 onwards, Fürst's literary work was banned by the National Socialists due to the author's Jewish origins and was largely forgotten in the post-war period. However, some publishers have recently published reprints of some of his works. In 1934, his son Peter Fürst escaped via the Dominican Republic to the United States , where he became known as a journalist and author.

Fonts (selection)

  • The miracles around us. New insights into nature and technology. 1911.
  • The poetry of the railroad. 1912. ( digitized version )
  • The world on rails. 6-8 Tausend, Verlag Albert Langen, Munich 1918.
  • Under the spell of Nauen. Conquering the Earth by Wireless Telegraphy. 1922.
  • The world empire of technology. 4 volumes, 1923–1929.
  • The plane. Ullstein, Berlin 1925.
  • The realm of power. 1926.


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