Peter Fürst (journalist, 1910)

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Peter Fürst (born February 4, 1910 in Berlin , † December 29, 1998 in San Francisco ) was a German-American journalist and writer of Jewish origin. He was the son of the writer Artur Fürst .


Peter Fürst began his journalistic career as a sports reporter for the Berliner Tageblatt , where he rose to become an editor with his own column . After the National Socialists came to power in 1934, he managed to flee to the Dominican Republic via Prague , Madrid , Vienna and Paris . During his seven year stay in the Dominican Republic, he worked as a plantation worker and rice buyer for a Scottish company. In 1946 Peter Fürst moved to the USA , where he settled permanently in San Francisco and worked, among other things, as a commentator for Voice of America .

The autobiographical novels Schnitzeljagd Berlin-New York and Der Zigarrentöter describe Fürst's path through journalistic work in Berlin in the 1920s, his escape from National Socialist Germany, his stay in the Dominican Republic and his life and work in the USA in the post-war period . The often humorous and self-deprecating portrayal of his experiences as a refugee and exile is characteristic of Fürst's writing style.

In 1995 Peter Fürst traveled again to his hometown Berlin, where the Free University of Berlin awarded him an honorary doctorate for his services and life's work .


  • “Many refugees in World War II have their stories of happiness and unhappiness to tell, but not many have Peter Fürst's sense of style and irony. He transforms the back and forth of war into a picaresque conversation of the first order. ”( Norman Mailer in the afterword of the first issue of Scavenger Hunt )


  • The cigar killer. Don Quixote in exile. Carl Hanser, Munich / Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-446-17865-1 .
  • Scavenger hunt Berlin-New York. Carl Hanser, Munich / Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-446-19105-4 .

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