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Arvandus (Arabundus) was a Western Roman politician of Gallo-Roman origin in the 5th century.


In 464 Arvandus was appointed Praetorian prefect for Gaul by Libius Severus and Ricimer . He had to deal with the powerful Germanic kingdoms of the Franks , Visigoths and Burgundies as well as with the Gallo-Roman special empire under Aegidius († 464/65) and his successor Syagrius, which fell from Ravenna in 461 .

In 468 a correspondence of Arvandus became known in which he recommended the Visigoth king Eurich to refuse recognition to the western emperor Anthemius appointed by Leo I and to attack the Bretons who were settling north of the Loire and who were allied with Syagrius . Arvandus was convicted of high treason in Rome at the beginning of 469 (whether he himself was striving for emperor with Eurich's backing, as Cassiodorus suggests, is uncertain), but thanks to the intervention of influential friends (including Sidonius Apollinaris , who handed down the process), he was pardoned to exile .



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