Arvo Ylppö

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Arvo Ylppö in 1978.

Arvo Henrik Ylppö (born October 27, 1887 in Akaa , † January 28, 1992 in Helsinki ) was a Finnish pediatrician and professor of pediatrics . Ylppö owes its international reputation to its research in neonatology . In Finland he is best known as the creator of the Neuvola mother and child counseling system, which resulted in a significant decrease in infant mortality in Finland.


Ylppö was born into a farming family in Akaa in 1887 and was born prematurely . While studying medicine at the University of Helsinki , which he began in 1906 , he decided to specialize in paediatrics. In 1912 he went to Berlin , where he worked as an assistant doctor at the Kaiserin-Auguste-Viktoria-Haus children's hospital . There he wrote his dissertation in 1913 bilirubin - metabolism in children. In March 1914 he received his doctorate in medicine in Helsinki .

Back in Germany, Ylppö concentrated his research on the pathological anatomy of children and received international recognition for it. In Finland he became a lecturer at Helsinki University Hospital in 1920 and professor of pediatrics five years later. He continued his research, wrote for medical magazines and on childcare. He also supported all efforts to expand nurse training, the pharmaceutical industry and public awareness of medical issues in his home country. From 1920 to 1963 he was the chief physician of the Children's Hospital in Linna (Children's Castle) and also ran a private practice. In 1939 he was elected a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina .

In 1952, Ylppö was appointed archiatrist (arkkiatri) by the President of the Republic of Finland . This is the highest medical honorary title in Finland, which is only ever held by a single doctor. Ylppö retired in 1957 but continued to sponsor many child health initiatives. He died in 1992 at the old age of 104.

In the television vote Suuret Suomalaiset in 2004, comparable to the German Our Best , he was voted the sixth largest Finn of all time. Every year at the University of Helsinki, the Arvo Ylppö Medal for pediatric research is awarded at a large ceremony.


  • My life among young and old. Hansisches Verlagkontor Heinz Scheffler, Lübeck, 1987, ISBN 3-87302-042-4

Web links

Commons : Arvo Ylppö  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Member entry of Arvo Ylppö at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 22, 2015.