Ascraeus Mons

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Volcano on mars
Ascraeus Mons
Location and topography of Ascraeus Mons.
Location and topography of Ascraeus Mons.
Ascraeus Mons (Mars)
Ascraeus Mons
position 11 ° 46 ′  N , 104 ° 27 ′  W Coordinates: 11 ° 46 ′  N , 104 ° 27 ′  W
height 18,000 m
Eponym Askra, the birthplace of Hesiod

The Ascraeus Mons is the northernmost volcano of the Tharsis Montes in the Tharsis region on Mars . It is located near the equator . Its summit is 18 km high, making it the second highest volcano in the solar system after Olympus Mons .

The term Ascraeus Mons ( lat. "Asraean mountain") refers to the place Askra, the birthplace of Hesiod , on the mountain Helikon in Boeotia .

Web links

Commons : Ascraeus Mons  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Ascraeus Mons in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature of the IAU (WGPSN) / USGS