Asghar Hameed

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Asghar Hameed (* 1919 in Lahore ; † October 14, 2002 in Lahore) was professor of mathematics at the Engineering College Lahore and a follower and from November 15, 1996 until his death on October 14, 2002 the head (emir) of the Ahmadiyya Andschuman Ischat -i-Islam Lahore (AAIIL), which sees itself as an Islamic denomination .

He was a member of the Mantoo family, from which several lawyers, politicians and writers became known. He first went to school in Amritsar , where his family came from. In 1939 he graduated from the University of the Punjab in Lahore with a master's degree in mathematics .

He began teaching mathematics at Engineering College in Lahore and later continued his studies at Edinburgh University in Scotland. After receiving his doctorate in mathematics in Edinburgh, he worked there from 1947 as a department head at the Institute for Mathematics and in 1961 moved to the University for Engineering and Technology in Lahore as head of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning . He taught as a professor of mathematics and resigned as Vice-Chancellor of his university in 1979.

After finishing his teaching activities, he moved to Darus-Salaam, a district of Lahore, to devote himself to the Ahmadiyya movement. There he worked as a preacher and translator of the scriptures of his faith.

He was married and had a son (Asif Hameed).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Message about the death of Dr. Asghar Hameed
  2. ^ Information from the Ahmadiyya about Emir Asghar Hameed