Asko Europa Foundation

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ASKO Europe Foundation


Legal form: Legal foundation under civil law
Purpose: Promotion of science , research and education in Europe, European integration
Chair: Klaus-Peter Beck
Managing directors: Hans Beitz
Consist: since August 22, 1990
Number of employees: 9
Seat: Saarbrücken

no founder specified

The ASKO Europa-Stiftung is a legally responsible foundation under civil law with its seat in Saarbrücken . It defines itself as non-profit, non-partisan and free from denominational and other ideological influences.

History of origin

The foundation was established in 1990 and was supported by Asko Deutsche Kaufhaus AG and Asko Vereinigung e. V. (both Saarbrücken) endowed with capital. Its foundation is essentially based on the initiative of Arno Krause , the then chairman of the supervisory board of ASKO Deutsche Kaufhaus AG and later founder of the European Academy in Otzenhausen .

Foundation purpose and goals

According to the revised statutes, the purpose of the foundation is to promote science and research, as well as public and vocational education. The purpose of the foundation is to be realized in particular by funding:

  • by scientific and educational institutions as well as organizations and institutions that are dedicated to European integration on a federal basis,
  • of basic, advanced and advanced training of young talent and executives worthy of support, in particular from trading and service companies,
  • of tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of ​​international understanding in a global environment,
  • of science, education and research projects, events, seminars, colloquia, etc. as well as through the granting of grants in any form for training, studying and further training.

Mission statement and philosophy

The foundation continues to focus on using suitable events, projects and funding to win large sections of society over to the realization and strengthening of a united, democratic, sustainable, peaceful and free Europe.

With a view to the implementation of the foundation's purpose, corresponding goals were defined:

  1. The development of awareness and understanding among all population groups for a united Europe.
  2. The mobilization of civil societies in view of the major challenges facing Europe and the world now and in the future, particularly with regard to sustainable development.
  3. The stabilization and further development of a Europe that
  • Is both an opportunity and a model for the coexistence of peoples and offers space for cultural diversity,
  • accepts political, economic and ecological challenges of globalization,
  • takes political responsibility in the world and preserves peace and freedom.

Implementation of the foundation's purpose

The strategic implementation of the foundation's purpose is implemented as follows:

  • Dialogue and discussion forums and European and international education programs promote the debate and awareness-raising for Europe and the European idea as well as specific European policy issues.
  • In the context of information and education measures, the effects of the progressive integration of Europe on the world of work are discussed.
  • The social status of education is analyzed in specific research projects and studies as well as targeted qualification measures.
  • Civil society is mobilized for the challenges and concerns of sustainable development through a wide range of information and awareness-raising campaigns and generally understandable publications.
  • Selected scientific research projects (in the field of advanced, targeted basic research and applied research), in particular by the faculties of the Saarland University (UdS) and the Saarland University of Technology and Economics (HTW), are carried out with the primary objective of strengthening science and technology Saarland as a business location supported.

Foundation body and management

The foundation body is the board of trustees . It includes up to fifteen volunteer members. Currently (as of 2016) it consists of eleven voluntary curators from the fields of politics, business, science and culture and four honorary members. The task of the board of trustees is to monitor compliance with the foundation's purpose and to decide on the use of foundation funds. The chairman and his deputy jointly represent the foundation externally. The managing director of the foundation is the historian and European lawyer Hans Beitz (as of January 2019).

Cooperation projects


  • START Saar : Scholarship program for schoolchildren with a migration background (in cooperation with the START Foundation and the Ministry of Education.)
  • Franco-German dialogue : Annual two-day congress at the European Academy in Otzenhausen, started in 1998.
  • International European Studies (in cooperation with various colleges and international universities): Exchange program for interested and committed people (mostly students, but also university professors and doctoral students) from all over the world who want to get to know Europe better.
  • Courage for sustainability : book series on the future of the earth . The educational initiative has been sponsored since 2007 by the Asko Europa Foundation, the Forum for Responsibility Foundation and the European Academy Otzenhausen
  • Association Partners for Europe : The Asko Europa-Stiftung forms the association “Partners for Europe” together with five other non-profit organizations. On the one hand, the European Academy Otzenhausen offers the platform for holding conferences and seminars, and on the other hand, with its department heads and study managers, it provides the specialist expertise.


As part of its projects, the foundation cooperates with permanent partners from the fields of research, science, education and culture.


(Selection) Own publications

  • Thinking Europe . Series of publications by the Asko Europa Foundation. Nomos, Baden-Baden.
  • European values ​​- an educational project for young people . Manual for multipliers in political education; Loose-leaf edition including CD-ROM. Wochenschau-Verlag, Schwalbach / Ts. 2008, 240 pp., ISBN 978-3-89974-371-5 .
  • Courage to Sustainability - Book Series on the Future of the Earth. Ed .: Klaus Wiegandt, Foundation Forum for Responsibility in cooperation with Asko Europa-Stiftung u. European Academy Otzenhausen. Self-published, Saarbrücken 2007. 40 p., Illustrated. ISBN 978-3-9809166-4-6 . The individual volumes have been published by Fischer Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt / M. 2007-2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Saarbrücker Zeitung of January 10, 2019, p. B1
  2. ^ Foundation Forum for Responsibility
  3. European Academy Otzenhausen
  4. More information at: