Assen Nikolow Koschukharov

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Portrait of Assen Koschucharow by the Russian comic artist Andrei Ajoschin ( Russian Андрей Аёшин , scientific transliteration Andrej Aëšin )
Assen Koschucharow in front of the “Dobromir” poster, exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013
Assen Koschucharow (second from left) among other comic authors, exhibition “Over the Rainbow”, Varna, Bulgaria, 2013
Assen Nikolow Koschukharov

Assen Nikolov Koschucharow ( Bulgarian Асен Николов Кожухаров * 18th February 1961 in Varna ) is a sea captain of the Bulgarian Navy , doctor in specialist military history , professor at the Naval Academy Varna , military historian , comic -author and writer .


From 1979 to 1984 Koschucharow graduated from the Naval Academy "Nikola Jonkow Wapzarow" in the city of Varna, Bulgaria, with a master's degree, and was awarded a doctorate there in 1999 . In 2005 he graduated from the Georgi Stojkow Rakowski Military Academy in Sofia , Bulgaria, with a master's degree.


As part of the research on ship losses in the Black Sea during the Second World War , contributions were made in an academic exchange with the German military historian , journalist and director of the Library for Contemporary History in Stuttgart (1959–1989) Jürgen Rohwer , who was responsible for the sinking of the Jewish refugee transporters " Struma" and " Mefkure" examined.

An important research focus is also the training of Bulgarian naval officers at the Naval School Mürwik (MSM) during the First World War and between the World Wars , whose findings were published in a monograph on the training of Bulgarian naval officers abroad (1882–1944).

Another research focus with significant publications is the emigration to Bulgaria of former members of the White Army ( Russian Белая армия Belaja armija ; original spelling: Бѣлая армія).

Fonts (selection)


  • Training of Bulgarian naval officers abroad (1882–1944) [Обучението на българските морски офицери зад граница (1882–1944)]; Terra Balkanika, Varna 2015, ISBN 978-619-90140-6-6 .
  • Operations for interrupting the maritime communication and the destruction of the enemy at sea and on base stations (1912-1945) [Операции за прекъсване на морско-океанските комуникации и унищожаване на противника на море и в пунктовете за базиране (1912-1945 г.)]; Terra Balkanika, Varna 2013, ISBN 978-619-90140-1-1 .
  • 20th century landings [amphibious warfare ]; SLAVENA, Varna 2007, ISBN 978-954-579-574-9 .
  • Modern wars at sea [Modern Wars at Sea], STENO, Varna 2002, ISBN 954-449-114-7 .
  • Naval History . Dissertation, 2001.
  • Contemporary armed conflict in the history of maritime art: maritime communication and destruction of the enemy at sea [Съвременните въоръжени конфликти в историята на военноморското изкуство: бойни действия по морско-океанските комуникации и унищожаване на противника на море]; WALL, Varna 2000, ISBN 954-449-073-6 .
  • Naval Art in Armed Conflicts between 1967 and 1991: Fighting On Oceanic Communication Ways and Destruction of Enemy Forces on Sea . Dissertation, 1999.

Articles in magazines

  • Russian Scientific Citation Index and Bulgarian Researchers; Education and science policy strategies ["Руски индекс за научно цитиране" и българските изследователи]. 2018. Volume 26, No. 5, pp. 512-524.
  • Engineer Pavel Izotov in the service of the Russian Imperial Navy and the Bulgarian fleet [Инженер-механик Павел Изотов на службе в Российском императорског императорском арфлоте алоком арфлоте илоти]; Earlier years. Russian history magazine. 2017, No. 43 (1), pp. 179–188.
  • A book on the history of the Bulgarian high schools [Книга об истории болгарских гимназий]; Earlier years. Russian history magazine. 2016. No. 40 (2). Pp. 540-546.
  • About the training and teaching career of the shipbuilding engineer Jordan Prashtinkov [За обучението и преподавателската кариера на инженер-корабостроителя Порданан]; Historical future. 2014, No. 1–2, pp. 227–235.
  • Training and career of Bulgarian officers at the Ecole Navale of Brest [La formation et la carriere des officiers bulgares, eleves de l'ecole navale militaire de Brest]; Bulgarian historical review. 2013. Volume 42, No. 3-4, pp. 151-157.
  • Career study of Bulgarian Cadets Trained in Trieste 'Accademia Di Commercio E Di Nautica' (1892–1942)]; Bulgarian historical review. 2012. Volume 40, No. 3-4, pp. 193-209.
  • The new reference work about the submarines of the Russian Imperial Navy as a source of Bulgarian history Historical overview. 2012. Volume 68, No. 1-2, pp. 267-268.
  • The portrait of the Commander-in-Chief Alexander Konkevich [Портретът на капитан-лейтенант Александър Конкевич]; Historical future. 2012, No. 1-2, pp. 232-237.
  • The eventful career of the naval officer Valentin Paspaleev [Превратната кариера на морския офицер Валентин Паспалеев]; Historical overview. 2010. Volume 66, No. 1-2, pp. 214-226.
  • The debut of the training of Bulgarians at the Naval School in Saint Petersburg (1882–1889) [Дебютът на обучението на българи в Морското училище в Санкт Петербург (1882–1889); Historical overview. 2010. Volume 66, No. 3-4, pp. 136-143.
  • The Bulgarian naval training system based on the personal archive fund of Captain Georgi Dyulgerov Historical overview. 2009. Volume 65, No. 1-2, pp. 215-224.
  • The losses of the Bulgarian sea ​​trade in World War II [Българските загуби по речно-морските комуникации през Втората световна война]; Historical overview. 2001. Volume 57, No. 3-4, pp. 173-184.
  • Looking back: use of anti-ship missiles [Looking back: Use of anti-ship missiles]; Naval War College Assessment. 1997. Volume 50, No. 4, pp. 118-124.


Assen Koschucharow was appointed associate professor at the Naval Academy in Varna in 2001 (2001–2011) and has been a professor since 2015. His teaching area includes the subjects of military history , maritime history , fundamentals of scientific research , methodological fundamentals of military science research and history of naval art .

Comic book author

Assen Koschucharow is the author of the comic series "Dobromir" ( Bulgarian "Добромир" ), which was published in the middle of the 1980s in the magazine "Regenbogen - Erzählungen im Bilder" ( Bulgarian "Дъга - разкази в картинки" ). The story is about the war of the Bulgarian nobles despot Dobrotiza ( Bulgarian Добротица ) as ruler of the de facto independent Despotate Dobrogea (also Despotat Karwuna ; Bulgarian Добруджанско деспотство, Карвунско деспотство) and the fortress Kaliakra against the Genoese (1360-1387).

Assen Koschucharow is the chairman of the Association of Comic Book Authors "Manuscript" in Varna, Bulgaria.

Among the best-known works (selection) by Assen Koschucharow as a comic author include:

  • “Guard at the pass”. Comic novel . Varna, Baguette Comics, 1991, 28 pages.
  • "Dobromir". Novel . Warna, Royal-77, 1992, 144 pages.
  • "Dobromir". Comic novel. Sofia, Spectrum, 1992, 48 pages.
  • "Varga's Horde". Comic novel. Varna, Slavic Comics, 1992, 36 pages.
  • "The love of Scolopendra". Short story collection. Warna, Slavena, 1993, 88 pages.
  • "The white devil". Comic novel. Warna, Zhekov and Son, 1994, 28 pages.
  • "A quarter of infinity". Varna, Terra Balkanika, 2016, 32 pages.


Assen Koschucharow is a member of the editorial board of the magazines "Sprache und Literatur" and "Historische Zukunft", as well as the editorial board of the magazine "Asian Journal of Social and Human Sciences".

Since 1993 he has been a member of the Writers' Union in Varna, Bulgaria.

Web links

Commons : Asen Kozhuharov  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Assen Koschukharov. Naval Academy "Nikola Jonkow Wapzarow", accessed on August 20, 2019 .
  2. a b c d Nikola Kicevski, Rajčo Radulov: Koj koj ev Bǎlgarija 1998 (Who is who in Bulgaria?) . Knigiizdat. kǎšta Trud, Sofija 1998, ISBN 954-528-083-2 , p. 364 ( [accessed on August 20, 2019]).
  3. Assen N. Koschucharow: The newly published directories of the German professor Jürgen Rohwer and the Bulgarian losses in the maritime communication during the Second World War [Новоизлезлите справочници на немския професор Юрген Ровер и българските загуби по морските комуникации през Втората световна война ]. // Military Journal, No. 6, 2000, pp. 163-166.
  4. Assen N. Koschucharow: The losses of the Bulgarian merchant fleet in the Second World War. Schiff und Zeit ( ISBN 3-7822-0764-5 ), No. 53, Spring, 2001, pp. 56–59.
  5. Assen N. Koschucharow: Professor Jürgen Rohwer (1924-2015), in: Исторически преглед. 2016. Volume 72, No. 3-4, pp. 170-171.
  6. ^ Jürgen Rohwer: The sinking of the Jewish refugee transporters Struma and Mefkure in the Black Sea (February 1942, August 1944); historical investigation. Bernard & Graefe Verlag für Wehrwesen, Frankfurt / Main 1965 ( [accessed August 20, 2019]).
  7. Assen N. Koschucharow: The graduates the machine school fleet His Majesty [Bulgaria], which were formed at the Naval Academy Mürwik in Flensburg during the First World War [Bulgarian Възпитаниците на Машинното училище при Флота на Негово Величество , които са учили във Военноморско училище Мюрвик в град Фленсбург през Първата световна война.]. Military History Collection, Vol. 4, 2008
  8. Assen N. Koschucharow: Obuchenieto na bălgarskite morski ofceri sad graniza (1882-1944) [The training of Bulgarian naval officers abroad (1882-1944)]. Terra Balkanica, Varna 2015, ISBN 978-619-90140-6-6 .
  9. ^ IV (Irina V.) Sabennikova, AS Lovt︠s︡ov, И. В. (Ирина В.) Сабенникова, А. С. Ловцов: Vserossiĭskiĭ nauchno-issledovatel'skiĭ institute dokumentovedenii︠a︡ i arkhivnogo dela: Issledovateli russkogo Zarubezh ' i a ︡: biobibliograficheskiĭ slovar ' = The researchers of Russian diaspora: biobibliographical reference book . Moskva, ISBN 978-5-4475-2765-5 , pp. 133-134 .
  10. ^ A b Assen Koschucharow: Scientific titles and degrees. Retrieved August 20, 2019 .
  11. Изложба на комикси: Ретроспекция на модерния комикс - 1980–2012 г. (Comic Exhibition: A Review of the Modern Comic Book - 1980–2012). In: Retrieved August 21, 2019 (Bulgarian).
  12. Language and Literature (Online) Език и литература. Retrieved August 20, 2019 .
  13. Historical Future, ISSN 1311-0144 (Print) Историческо бъдеще. Retrieved August 20, 2019 .
  14. ^ Asian Journal of Social and Human Sciences. Retrieved August 20, 2019 .