Assistant position

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An assistant position is a position in companies or authorities that is assigned to a management position and serves to relieve it .


Assistance positions are generalized management support positions with case-by-case tasks without external decision-making and instruction authority . An assistant position is assigned to each management position (at least in the higher hierarchical levels ; for example in top management ).


Assistant positions are either adjutatively assigned to a responsible person (personal assistant to a board member ) or generalized to an organ ( board assistant ) and contribute to the preparation of decisions or coordination . Personal speakers in private companies must not be confused with speakers at an authority.


The purpose of assistant positions is to support management in fulfilling its tasks. They serve to relieve the management body by taking over detailed tasks from them by way of delegation . These include the Find for and writing speeches ( ghost writer ), appointment management , preparation of decisions and negotiations or time management , scheduling of meetings and conferences or setting the agenda .

The staff of assistance centers are called assistants, who provide help and assistance ( Latin assistere , "to stand by someone"). Assistance is an important function in the company that is often underestimated. Their work is sometimes disparaged as “handlers” or “porters”. You can make a decisive contribution to the success of the company by the executive effectively relieved. The position is called "secretariat", "anteroom", "office management" or "board staff". By relieving the workload, management can spend more working time performing its core tasks.


The team assistant is not an assistance position because it is not assigned to a management position but to a support team . Scientific assistant is the academic next generation at universities in research and teaching . Assistant positions can contribute to the qualification for management positions, as with scientific assistants through the habilitation for a professorship ( postdoc ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried G. Häberle (Ed.), Das neue Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre , 2008, p. 70
  2. Rolf Bühner (Ed.), Management-Lexikon , 2001, p. 560
  3. ^ Norbert Bach / Carsten Brehm / Wolfgang Buchholz / Thorsten Petry, Value-Creation-Oriented Organization , 2012, p. 253
  4. Margit Gätjens (Ed.), Die Assistenz im Management , 2014, p. 11 ff.
  5. Thomas Träger, Organization , 2017, p. 48