Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive

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The Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive (AIPS) is an international association for sports journalists.

The association was founded in 1924 on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Paris . The first president was the French journalist Frantz Reichel , who himself took part in the Olympic Games in 1896 and 1900 as a runner and rugby player and won a gold medal in rugby. After the end of his sporting career, he became a journalist. a. at Le Figaro . He remained president of the AIPS until his sudden death in 1932. He was succeeded by his Belgian vice-president Victor Boin , who held this post until 1956 and had also competed in four Olympic Games and won three medals in water polo and fencing. Today's president is the Italian Gianni Merlo , editor-in-chief of Atletica Leggera magazine and author of several sports books (as of 2015). The association is based in Lausanne .

The AIPS is the umbrella organization of the national sports journalists' associations. Eight nations were represented when it was founded; especially after the Second World War the number of members grew steadily to 144 in 2005. She herself is a member of Sportaccord , formerly known as the General Association of International Sports Associations .

The association publishes the AIPS magazine four times a year . It also bestows the Power of Sports Award and the highest international award for sports journalists, the AIPS Sport Media Awards .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SWR Sport, SWR Sport: SWR sports editors win media award. Accessed May 31, 2019 .