Astraeus odoratus

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Astraeus odoratus
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Boletales (Boletales)
Subordination : Sclerodermatineae
Family : Potato bovist relatives (Sclerodermataceae)
Genre : Weather stars ( Astraeus )
Type : Astraeus odoratus
Scientific name
Astraeus odoratus
Phosri , MPMartín , Watling & Whalley

Astraeus odoratus is a fungal art from the family of Kartoffelbovistverwandten (Sclerodermataceae) within the order of Dickröhrlingsartigen (Boletales).


Macroscopic features

Astraeus odoratus forms 65 mm large, spherical fruiting bodies that are first buried and later come to the surface. They are hard and smooth with few earth particles on the outside. Their outer layer, the exoperidia , tears open in a star shape in 3–9 lobes when ripe and with sufficient moisture, is leather- or tobacco-brown, and ≤ 1 mm thick. The exoperidy consists of several layers. It expands in wet weather or rolls up again when dry (hence the German name weather stars for the genus). The inner layer becomes smoky-gray, leather-, hazelnut- or sepia-brown, but also dark-colored black, is thin and scaly cracked, occasionally also smooth.

The endoperidia is sessile, almost round, 13-25 mm in diameter, leather-brown to brownish or purplish-black and has an irregular opening at the tip at maturity without a distinct peristome . The actual fruit layer of the Gleba is purple, chestnut brown, sometimes also date, brown-wine-red or purple-black. She has no columella .

Microscopic features

The scalp consists of long, branched, intertwined hyphae that are hyaline , slightly crusty and unseptated . The hyphae measure 2.5–6.25 µm in diameter, are thin-walled with a narrow, sometimes continuous lumen . Buckles are usually missing, but are sometimes present. The spores are spherical, 7.5–15.2 µm in diameter, purple chestnut brown, sometimes cigar- or date-brown, wine-red brown or purple-black. They are ornamented with narrow, rounded, long, 1.04–1.66 µm large spines that flow into one another.

Similar species

Astraeus sirindhorniae is very similar and occurs in similar habitats, but has significantly larger fruiting bodies, well-developed rhizomorphs , a complex, multi-layered exoperidia and smaller spores.

Astraeus asiaticus , which is also found in Thailand, differs from Astraeus odoratus in the thickness of the peridia and the color of the gleba. In addition, the spores of Astraeus asiaticus have shorter thorns than Astraues odoratus .

Ecology and occurrence

Astraeus odoratus occurs in sandy or lateritic soils in lowland forests, which are dominated by two-winged fruit trees ( Dipterocarpus ). Astraeus odoratus , like other representatives of the potato bovine relatives , forms a mycorrhiza , among others with two-winged fruit trees and Hopea ponga . It forms fruiting bodies in the rainy season from May to June. It is said to produce more fruiting bodies after forest fires.

Astraeus odoratus is next to Astraeus asiaticus and Astraeus sirindhorniae the third type of weather star in Thailand. It occurs in the northern and northeastern parts. It was also found in the Indian state of Karnataka .

Systematics and taxonomy

For a long time all weather stars occurring in Asia were ascribed to the common weather star ( Astraeus hygrometricus ). Phospri and colleagues realized that there were several distinguishable species. Therefore, Astraeus odoratus was first described in 2004 by Cherdchai Phosri , María P. Martín , Roy Watling and Anthony John Seddon Whalley . He belongs to the genus of weather stars to the family Kartoffelbovistverwandten (Sclerodermataceae) within the order of Dickröhrlingsartigen count (Boletales). However, some authors include them in the Diplocystaceae family .


Astraeus odoratus and other weather stars such as Astraeus asiaticus and the common weather star are valued and sold in Thailand under the name Het phok (เห็ด เผาะ). Prices from 30 to 60 baht are achieved, but at the beginning of the season the price can also rise to 300-400 baht. Since the fungus forms a mycorrhiza with Dipterocarpus trees, it cannot be cultivated. Since it grows semi-underground, fires are often deliberately set in order to collect it better.


From Astraeus odoratus were Astraodorinsäuren that the lanostane - triterpenes belong and 5-Hydroxyhypaphorin , a representative of the indole alkaloids isolated. Both work against the tuberculosis pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis in laboratory tests .


  • C. Phosri, R. Watling, MP Martín, AJS Whalley: The genus 'Astraeus' in Thailand. In: Mycotaxon. 89, 2004, pp. 453-463. ISSN  0093-4666 (online)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g C. Phosri, R. Watling, MP Martín, AJS Whalley: The genus Astraeus in Thailand . In: Mycotaxon . tape 89 , 2004, ISSN  0093-4666 , p. 453-463 ( (online) ).
  2. a b C. Phosri, R. Watling, N. Suwannasai, A. Wilson, MP Martín: A new representative of star-shaped fungi: Astraeus sirindhorniae sp. nov. from Thailand . In: PLoS ONE . tape 9 , 2014, p. e71160 , doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0071160 .
  3. C. Phosri, MP Martin, P. Sihanonth, AS Whalley, R. Watling: Molecular study of the genus Astraeus . In: Mycological Research . tape 111 , 2007, p. 275-286 , doi : 10.1016 / j.mycres.2007.01.004 .
  4. a b c M. Pavithra, AA Greeshma, NC Karun, KR Sridhar: Observations on the Astraeus spp. of Southwestern India . In: Mycosphere . tape 6 , 2015, ISSN  2077-7019 , p. 421-432 , doi : 10.5943 / mycosphere / 6/4/4 ( online via ResearchGate ).
  5. ^ Mycobank: Astraeus odoratus . Retrieved November 9, 2016 .
  6. PE Mortimer, SC Karunarathna, Q. Li, H. Gui, X. Yang, X. Yang, J. He, L. Ye, J. Guo, H. Li, P. Sysouphanthong, D. Zhou, J. Xu , KD Hyde: Prized edible Asian mushrooms: ecology, conservation and sustainability . In: Fungal Diversity . tape 56 , 2012, p. 31-47 , doi : 10.1007 / s13225-012-0196-3 .
  7. K. Arpha, C. Phosri, N. Suwannasai, W. Mongkolthanaruk, S. Sodngam: Astraodoric acids AD: new lanostane triterpenes from edible mushroom Astraeus odoratus and their anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra and cytotoxic activity. In: J Agric Food Chem . tape 60 , 2012, p. 9834-9841 , doi : 10.1021 / jf302433r .

Web links

Commons : Astraeus  - collection of images, videos and audio files