Astrik L. Gabriel

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Astrik Ladislas Gabriel (born December 10, 1907 in Fünfkirchen ; † May 16, 2005 ) was a Hungarian historian .

Astrik L. Gabriel entered the Jászó Premonstratensian Monastery in 1926 . He studied at the University of Budapest and in Paris at the Sorbonne . In Budapest he was awarded a Dr. theol. PhD. Then he was lecturer and director of a French college there. In 1947 he was evicted from his home by Soviet troops and went to Paris. In the same year, Gabriel took on a visiting professorship at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies at the University of Toronto . A year later, Gabriel became Professor of Old French Literature and Medieval Educational History at the University of Notre Dame . He took American citizenship. Gabriel played a major role in the establishment of a Medieval Institute and was director of the institute from 1952 until his retirement in 1975. He expanded the library into a special research facility.

Gabriel is considered an expert on the medieval history of universities, especially that of Paris. For his portrayal of "Student Life in Ave Maria College, Medieval Paris, History and Chartulary of the College" (1955) he was awarded the Thôrlet Prize of the French Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in 1956 . Gabriel was awarded the Dourlans Prize in 1965 for the account book of the Anglo-German nation . Gabriel became a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, the Medieval Academy of America , the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and in 1971 a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . The Archbishop of Esztergom and Primacy of Hungary László Cardinal Lékai made him titular provost of St. Michael's Church on Margaret Island in Budapest. The Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan awarded him an honorary doctorate. He was awarded the title of Officer des Ordre des Palmes Académiques by France and he was made a knight and later an officer of the Legion of Honor . Italy made him Commendatore nell'Ordine al Merito and Gabriel received the gold medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice from the Pope .


  • The Paris study. Robert of Sorbonne and his legacy. Interuniversitary exchange between the German, Cracow and Louvain universities and that of Paris in the late medieval and humanistic period. Frankfurt am Main 1992, ISBN 3-7820-0578-3 .
  • The University of Paris and its Hungarian students and masters during the reign of Louis XII and François Ier. Notre Dame 1986, ISBN 3-7820-0536-8 .
  • Student Life in Ave Maria College, mediaeval Paris. History and Chartulary of the College. Notre Dame 1955.


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