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Atherina presbyter.jpg

Earfish ( Atherina presbyter )

Superordinate : Earfish relatives (Atherinomorphae)
Order : Earfish (Atheriniformes)
Family : Old world earfish (Atherinidae)
Genre : Atherina
Type : Earfish
Scientific name
Atherina presbyter
Cuvier , 1829

The ear or striped fish ( Atherina presbyter ) is a species of Old World ear fish that can be found in the north-east Atlantic, the North Sea and the western Mediterranean.


The earfish has an elongated and slender body and reaches a body length of 16 to a maximum of 20 centimeters, whereby it is more than four times as long as it is high. The pointed head has an upwardly pointing, upper mouth. The body is translucent with a gray-blue back and silvery-white flanks that have a gray vertical stripe.

The dorsal fin is divided. The first dorsal fin has 7 to 8 hard rays, the second dorsal fin sits above the anal fin and has a hard ray and 12 to 14 soft rays. The anal fin has one hard and 14 to 16 soft fin rays. The pelvic fins are on the chest. A total of 52 to 57 scales lie along the sidelines .


The earfish can be found in the northeastern Atlantic from the Kattegat over the North Sea and Great Britain to North Africa and in the western Mediterranean .

Way of life

Spearfish live as schooling fish in the coastal area at depths of up to 20 meters, where they occasionally invade lagoons and the brackish water of estuaries. They are mainly found in the surface area and feed on fish larvae and plankton organisms .

The breeding season of the fish extends from April to July. The 1.8 to 2.0 millimeter large eggs are released into the open water and hook onto algae and stones with fine threads. The larvae hatch with a length of about 7 millimeters. The maximum age is around 4 years.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e Andreas Vilcinskas : Fish - Central European freshwater species and marine fish of the North and Baltic Seas . BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich 2000; P. 140; ISBN 3-405-15848-6 .
  2. a b ear fish on Fishbase.org (English)


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