Atthis (daughter of Kranaos)

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In Greek mythology Atthis was the daughter of the Attic king Kranaos and Pedias. She had two sisters, Kranae and Kranaichme. When she died unmarried, the country that was previously called Aktaia was named Atthis (today: Attica) in her honor.

Together with Hephaestus she is said to have had Erichthonios as a son, who is also referred to as the son of Hephaestus and Athena or Gaia .

A cave in Eleusis , which was considered the entrance to the underworld ( Hades ), was also known as the cave of Atthis .


  1. ^ Pausanias , Journeys in Greece , 1, 2, 6.
  2. ^ Apollodor , Libraries , 3, 186.
  3. Apollodor, Libraries , 3, 187.
