Attilio Odero

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Attilio Odero

Attilio Odero (born January 1, 1854 in Genoa ; † May 11, 1945 ibid) was an Italian shipyard entrepreneur and steel manufacturer who, together with his brother-in-law Rinaldo Piaggio, was also active in ship and railroad equipment and aircraft construction. He is considered one of the most important Italian entrepreneurs of his time and was a senator of the Kingdom of Italy .

life and work

Odero was born the son of Nicolò Odero, an importer of coal and later shipyard owner, and his wife Maria Cavezzari. At the age of 18, he joined his father's shipyard in Sestri Ponente in 1872 . Traditional Italian shipbuilding, which was still based on the construction of ships made of wood and sails, was in a state of upheaval at that time. The changeover to the construction of steel steamers meant not only a technological, but also an organizational and financial challenge for the shipyards.

Odero was appointed the company's technical director and began modernizing the shipyard in the 1880s. As early as 1885, the Odero shipyard was one of the companies that were able to build ships out of iron and steel; later, in the 1920s, the shipyard built Sauro-class destroyers, among other things . Odero used the increased liquidity thanks to regular orders for warships in 1895 to buy into the company of his brother-in-law Rinaldo Piaggio. Attilio Odero became chairman of Piaggio & C. and remained so until 1943.

The following year he took over the management of the Foce shipyard, which had brick docks that could accommodate ships up to 150 meters long. Odero took over other shipyards, such as the Cantiere navale di Palermo in 1905. The most important entrepreneurial step was the purchase of shares in the leading Italian steel manufacturer Alti Forni Fonderie e Acciaierie di Terni and the associated backward integration, which he undertook together with the shipbuilder Orlando. When Terni took over large blocks of shares in Odero and Orlando in 1904, steel mills and shipbuilders were formally integrated. The Terni steel works financed the shipbuilding by supplying steel with generous payment terms. In 1905 he founded the Società Anonima Industriale Automobili , later renamed San Giorgio , which from 1908 specialized in precision mechanics in the optical field such as coincidence rangefinders and stereo telemeters for shipping. After Odero took control of the Vickers-Terni works in 1927, he united the shipyard with his other companies to form Odero-Terni. In 1929 he also took over and integrated the Orlando shipyard and renamed the resulting company Odero-Terni-Orlando (OTO), later OTO Melara .

Web links

Commons : Attilio Odero  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biographical data of Attilio Odero
  2. Testo Cantieri Navali Odero Storia ( History of the Odero Shipyard ) (pdf) (Italian)