August Denicke

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Senior building officer August Denicke (* 1863 in Buxtehude ; † June 11, 1928 ) was a German civil engineer, President of the Reich Railway Directorate in the Reich Railway Directorate Elberfeld , Senior Engineer of the Anatolian Railways and Construction Director for the railway construction in what was then German South West Africa .


Denicke studied civil engineering at the technical colleges in Berlin , Munich and Hanover and passed the first state examination in Hanover in 1886 and the second after training at the Elberfeld Railway Directorate.

In April 1891 Denicke was appointed royal government master builder (engineering). After two years as a government master builder in the district of the Frankfurt am Main Railway Directorate, he was given leave until 1896 to manage the construction of a branch line from Dessau to Wörlitz and several small railways. This was followed by a three-year activity in the district of the Berlin Railway Directorate .

From 1899 to 1903 Denicke was again on leave as chief engineer for the Anatolian Railways . In 1901, as chief engineer of the Anatolian Railways in Constantinople (today: Istanbul), he received the Grand Turkish Medschidie Order III from the Ottoman Empire. Class and the Magnificent Turkish Ottoman Order III. Class awarded.

Following his work for the Anatolian Railways, August Denicke initially worked as a railway construction and operations inspector at the Royal Railway Directorate in Hanover . In 1904, the railroad administration sent August Denicke on a study tour of the USA. From 1906 he worked at the Berlin Railway Directorate as a director of the Railway Operations Inspectorate 7. In 1909 he was appointed government and building advisor.

From 1911 to 1913, Denicke was the construction director responsible for the railway construction in what was then German South West Africa (today's Namibia). In December 1912 he was awarded the Red Eagle Order IV class.

After his return from Africa he was initially a member of the Münster Railway Directorate in Westphalia , then operations manager of the Cologne Railway Directorate . On March 31, 1918, he rose to the position of senior building officer and was soon appointed to head the Elberfeld Railway Directorate, where he became President of the Railway Directorate in July 1919. He stayed in this position until his temporary retirement on April 1, 1924.

As a retiree, Denicke continued to take a lively interest in questions relating to the railway system and wrote essays from operations and about foreign railways. He has also written several books from the practical operations service to train railway personnel.

August Denicke died in June 1928. He was buried in the interdenominational cemetery Heerstraße in today's Berlin-Westend district . The grave has not been preserved.


honors and awards

  • 1901 Grand Royal Turkish Medschidie Order III. class
  • 1903 Magnificent Turkish Order of Ottoman III. class
  • 1912 Order of the Red Eagle, IV class


“The railway construction and operations inspector Denicke spoke about the Anatolian Railway at the meeting of the Association for Railway Customers in Berlin on February 11th. Js. [d. H. 1908] "

Individual evidence

  1. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung, XI. Volume, No. 15, April 11, 1891, p. 145, (PDF)
  2. "Official notices - The Railway Construction and Operations Inspector Denicke, previously on leave of absence from the Anatolian Railways, is the Royal. Railway directorate in Hanover assigned for employment. ", In: Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung, XXIII. Volume (23rd year), No. 29, April 11, 1903, p. 177, (PDF)
  3. "Official notices: [...] Moved are: [...] Denicke, previously in Hanover, as a member of the board of the Railway Operations Inspection 7 to Berlin, [...]", in: Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung, Edition XXVI, No. 29, April 7, 1906, p. 181, (PDF)
  4. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin tombs . Haude and Spener, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-7759-0476-X . P. 195.
  5. ^ "Prussia. - His Majesty the Emperor and King have graciously rested […] to grant the officials named below permission to accept and apply the non-Prussian medals awarded to them, namely […] of the Grand Turkish Medschidie Order III. Class to the government builder Denicke, chief engineer of the Anatolian Railways in Constantinople. ", In: Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung, Issue XXI, No. 59, July 27, 1901, p. 361, file? pi = 14688302_1901_060 & file = ZBBauverw_1901_059.pdf (PDF)
  6. Prussia. "His Majesty the King has graciously rested [...] to grant permission for the acceptance and creation of non-Prussian medals, namely: [...] of the Grand Turkish Order of the Ottoman Empire III. Class to the railway construction and operations inspector Denicke at the Königl. Railway directorate in Hanover, […] ”, in: Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung. Edition XXIII, No. 101, December 19, 1903, p. 633, (PDF)
  7. ^ "Prussia. His Majesty the King has graciously deigned to award the Government and Building Councilor August Denicke in Windhoek in German South West Africa […] the Order of the Red Eagle IV. Class, […], […] ”, in: Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung , XXXII. Volume, No. 105, December 28, 1912, p. 693,